
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obama makes another pilgrimage to Mecca to reassure Saudis he will keep their secrets safe.
  • DSK
  • 04-21-2016, 07:07 AM
Obama makes another pilgrimage to Mecca to reassure Saudis he will keep their secrets safe. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The sad fact is that we do not need their oil anymore. I wonder what they have on him to make him keep kissing their ass?

Perhaps he wants to sell weapons to both the Saudis and the Iranians so they will blow each other up, and the arms makers will continue to give campaign contributions to his favorite politicians and continue to favor minorities in hiring and contracting?
The sad fact is that we do not need their oil anymore. Originally Posted by DSK
Well, not if the Democrat/Progressive/Socialist/Liberals have their way.

They want to shut down all of our home grown fossil fuel industries, from coal to oil, so we are forced to bow to the whims of those "Jed Clampetts" of the Middle East.

While we are bankrupting our economy in the transfer of wealth scheme of Global Warming, Climate Change, and "weather", the rest of the World will enjoy the benefits of fossil fuels in a thriving economy.

Trump is right. Our leaders are fukin' morons.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What is it that the Saudis know that keep GWBush and Obama protecting them?
Obama makes another pilgrimage to Mecca to reassure Saudis he will keep their secrets safe. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Mebbe this time he will bow down like EKIM and kiss the OTHER cheeks of the new King !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What is it that the Saudis know that keep GWBush and Obama protecting them? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
they have photos from those Oval Office Christmas parties .. lol.
bambino's Avatar
They'll pay for his presidential library. Lots of Burkas and camels and shit like that.
Obama makes another pilgrimage to Mecca to reassure Saudis he will keep their secrets safe. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Why make the pilgrimage there, when the magic here in Texas. Have any of you seen any example, like face on the bread or tree or how does one know what certain person look like?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by john250
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why make the pilgrimage there, when the magic here in Texas. Have any of you seen any example, like face on the bread or tree or how does one know what certain person look like? Originally Posted by john250
Hi Marshall! Welcome home, again!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Damn, y'all gettin all tore up with theories and shit an I was jes makin a Obama is a Muslim joke since we all know you cant go to Mecca unless you a Muslim. Sho 'nuff.
Kin sumbody get me a red soda water, puleeze.

Seriously, What the fuck is Obama doing over there sucking Saudi dick and plotting against the infidels.
Maybe he is trying to figure out how to stop black people from killing black people you know like how Muslims stopped killing Muslims.

Just a bunch of oddities that are difficult to explain.

Maybe working on his retirement foundation.
Damn, y'all gettin all tore up with theories and shit an I was jes makin a Obama is a Muslim joke since we all know you cant go to Mecca unless you a Muslim. Sho 'nuff.
Kin sumbody get me a red soda water, puleeze.

Seriously, What the fuck is Obama doing over there sucking Saudi dick and plotting against the infidels.
Maybe he is trying to figure out how to stop black people from killing black people you know like how Muslims stopped killing Muslims.

Just a bunch of oddities that are difficult to explain.

Maybe working on his retirement foundation. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

0pilgram in retirement will be worse than as president...

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Who knows, Moochelle could be the next first lady to run for Pres. Got to set up that money laundering operation as soon as you can..
Mebbe this time he will bow down like EKIM and kiss the OTHER cheeks of the new King ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Who knows, Moochelle could be the next first lady to run for Pres. Got to set up that money laundering operation as soon as you can.. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Moochelle can't get out of that White(man's) House fast enuff. Yeah, she'll miss the kitchen staff, free plane rides and near unlimited vacations but she doesn't like the muzzle and the press scrutiny. In every uncensored press photo of her somewhere in an official capacity, she has that scowl on her face.