Sanders Unveils $1.5 Trillion Plan for Free Universal Child Care

  • oeb11
  • 02-24-2020, 07:45 AM

Bernie Sanders on Monday unveiled a $1.5 trillion proposal for free universal child care and pre-kindergarten programs that would be funded through a tax on “extreme wealth.”

The idea of universal child care has been a staple of the Vermont senator’s stump speech, but the proposal fleshes out the details of how it would be implemented and paid for. Under his plan, all children from infancy would have access to full-day, full-week, high-quality child care and would enter pre-kindergarten beginning at 3 years old, “regardless of income.”
“We know that the first four years of a child’s life are the most important years of human development, so it is unconscionable that in the wealthiest country in the world, we do not properly invest in early childhood education,” Sanders said in a statement.
The program, which will cost $1.5 trillion over 10 years, will be funded with a tax on “the extreme wealth of the top 0.1%,” according to the campaign. It adds to a list of expansive policy proposals from Sanders that includes his centerpiece Medicare for All, which has a price tag of $30 trillion.

Most of the other Democratic candidates favor creating affordable universal child care and pre-kindergarten programs, but only Sanders, Joe Biden and Tom Steyer propose making them cost-free for everyone. Sanders’ progressive rival Elizabeth Warren has offered a $700 billion plan that would make the services free only for low-income families, while others would be charged according to their ability to pay.

Under Sanders’ plan, programs would run for at least 10 hours a day and “operate at times to serve parents who work non-traditional hours.”
In addition to promising access, Sanders’ proposal calls for increasing the number and pay of child care workers. There are 1.3 million child care workers in the U.S. who on average make $11 an hour, according to the campaign; Sanders calls for doubling the number of workers and increase pay to “a living wage,” and compensating caretakers according to their experience and training. Lead teachers will be paid the same salary as kindergarten teachers are.
Care givers will be required to have at a minimum a Child Development Associates credential. Assistant teachers must have an associate’s degree in early childhood education or child development and all lead preschool teachers will be required to have a bachelor’s degree in the subject. They are promised access to ongoing mentoring, coaching and professional development and support to make sure caretakers and teachers “reflect the cultural, linguistic, racial and ethnic diversity of the communities they serve.”
At a rally in Houston, Texas, on Sunday, Sanders was met with cheers from the more than 6,000 people in the University of Houston’s Fertitta Center, when he brought up the plan.
“Everybody knows the future is with our kids,” Sanders said. “And millions of families cannot find high-quality, affordable child care. Together we change that.”

A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury.

All the Fascist DPST's propose programs for free stuff they cannot pay for, and a wealth tax is unconstitutional. If enacted - it is a one time deal - then that wealth is wasted and gone.

From the hypocrites who spent years and millions accusing Trump of "Russian Collusion" when their very own vote leader is a well known Communist Totalitarian.

rexdutchman's Avatar
with no one to pay for the plan
HoeHummer's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
You gotta love Bernie! Did you catch the Anderson Cooper interview of Bernie on 60 minutes? "Senator, how are you going to pay for MFA". "Tax the wealthy". "How are you going to pay for the Green New Deal"? "Tax the super wealthy". "How are you going to pay for free college tuition and free child care"? "Tax the Oligarchs". Bernie's got a label for a half dozen categories of rich people. Problem is, once you have taken the lions share from the rich, who do you go to the next time you need money?

"The problem with Socialism, is that sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money".
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-24-2020, 02:36 PM

"The problem with Socialism, is that sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Do you understand that under Capitalisms we are currently 23 Trillion dollars in debt and counting?

Is that not "other peoples money"

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Do you understand that under Capitalisms we are currently 23 Trillion dollars in debt and counting?

Is that not "other peoples money"
Originally Posted by WTF

Capitalism has nothing to do with it. show me any economist or businessman who states under Capitalism the goal is to spend more than you bring in. yous should know that yeah? i mean .. yous being a big time successful builder under .. Capitalism? in fact Capitalism is survival of the fittest. you make money, you stay in business. if not you go under.

you are blaming Capitalism for the overspending of Congress.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Capitalism has nothing to do with it. show me any economist or businessman who states under Capitalism the goal is to spend more than you bring in. yous should know that yeah? i mean .. yous being a big time successful builder under .. Capitalism? in fact Capitalism is survival of the fittest. you make money, you stay in business. if not you go under.

you are blaming Capitalism for the overspending of Congress. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well WTFag's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor besides that the only housing he builds is section 8 housing payed for by the government from other people's money

Heil Komrade Sanders!
You gotta love Bernie! Did you catch the Anderson Cooper interview of Bernie on 60 minutes? "Senator, how are you going to pay for MFA". "Tax the wealthy". "How are you going to pay for the Green New Deal"? "Tax the super wealthy". "How are you going to pay for free college tuition and free child care"? "Tax the Oligarchs". Bernie's got a label for a half dozen categories of rich people. Problem is, once you have taken the lions share from the rich, who do you go to the next time you need money?

"The problem with Socialism, is that sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
No hard questions for Komrade Sanders until after he wins his party's nom. Thanks in advance.

You gotta love Bernie! Did you catch the Anderson Cooper interview of Bernie on 60 minutes? "Senator, how are you going to pay for MFA". "Tax the wealthy". "How are you going to pay for the Green New Deal"? "Tax the super wealthy". "How are you going to pay for free college tuition and free child care"? "Tax the Oligarchs". Bernie's got a label for a half dozen categories of rich people. Problem is, once you have taken the lions share from the rich, who do you go to the next time you need money?

"The problem with Socialism, is that sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
No, the real problem with Socialism is it eventually morphs into a form of totalitarianism and you kill those that you have to keep giving free stuff too, or you place them in Government work camps where their lives are shorter because of over work and poor nutrition.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
oh hell can't the US Treasury just print more money?
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
You gotta love Bernie! Did you catch the Anderson Cooper interview of Bernie on 60 minutes? "Senator, how are you going to pay for MFA". "Tax the wealthy". "How are you going to pay for the Green New Deal"? "Tax the super wealthy". "How are you going to pay for free college tuition and free child care"? "Tax the Oligarchs". Bernie's got a label for a half dozen categories of rich people. Problem is, once you have taken the lions share from the rich, who do you go to the next time you need money?

"The problem with Socialism, is that sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Cute quote but I bet you’ve never lived in. A socialist country like I have. But you also obviously don’t know that the super wealthy pay very little tax. On top of that the repugnant party and Trump give out billions $$$ of dollars to large corporations each year., eg Walmart receives $6bn yr in corporate welfare and who pays for that? None other than you and all you folks that are tax payers. So the bottom line is that there’s plenty of socialism going on in this country. But you’re that dumb and unintelligent that you haven’t figured it out and you never will. Fox News won’t tell you this. You’re too engrossed and blinded by the joke of a fake president who claimed to get rid of the swamp. Instead he’s made it bigger and it’s there so he can line his own pockets at your expense.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Cute quote but I bet you’ve never lived in. A socialist country like I have. But you also obviously don’t know that the super wealthy pay very little tax. On top of that the repugnant party and Trump give out billions $$$ of dollars to large corporations each year., eg Walmart receives $6bn yr in corporate welfare and who pays for that? None other than you and all you folks that are tax payers. So the bottom line is that there’s plenty of socialism going on in this country. But you’re that dumb and unintelligent that you haven’t figured it out and you never will. Fox News won’t tell you this. You’re too engrossed and blinded by the joke of a fake president who claimed to get rid of the swamp. Instead he’s made it bigger and it’s there so he can line his own pockets at your expense. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

and what socialist country was that? the UK? so you are a tax exile? a brittard working in the US which you profess to hate so you can avoid those high UK taxes? that also means you can't vote in US elections. so you don't a voice in our elections.

now about that welfare at WallyWorld.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

guess when that article was written and who was president?

2014. Obama was president then. butt yous knew that, right??
oh hell can't the US Treasury just print more money? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Of course. Bernie pitches the notion that he'll pay for all his "Pie In The sky" ideas by taxing the ultra Rich. The ultra rich are the ones who funded his campaign. Nobody should believe that shit. He's going to tax the average American. Like the old saying goes "If It's Too good To Be True, It Probably is".
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ YUP 100% correct , however some people are just to dumb to understand that smell FACT,