I just ate a McRib...

Koontz's Avatar
..and I have no regrets.


Go ahead and judge me!
SknyDiva's Avatar
I ate one yesterday. No pickles please. We really both should have regrets. Oh well Phuck it.
Koontz's Avatar
I ate one yesterday. No pickles please. We really both should have regrets. Oh well Phuck it. Originally Posted by SknyDiva

Put your pickles on the side. I'll eat those.
Precious_b's Avatar
I was just thinking about those grease bombs last week.

I knew hog slaughtering time was coming up.

Even though I know what they are made of, I can't resist those things.
Koontz's Avatar
The forbidden fruit was actually a McRib tree. Shh, don't tell nobody.
I've had 4 of them in the last 4 days. I could eat a McRib allllll day.
Precious_b's Avatar

It is a guilty pleasure for me.

I am not a fast food guy. Fast I eat is the local Churches Chicken jalpeno bombers.

McRib would be the other favourite.
DallasRain's Avatar
I prefer the fish sandwich...damn now I am hungry!
I want a grilled chicken salad. ..
Koontz's Avatar
Nooooo!!!! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Shudder to think? lol
Eat her
albundy's Avatar
LOVE when the McRib is back!! I eat one on my way to work daily. I eat total garbage daily and I had blood work done recently (nothing wrong with me, I just like to be sure) and somehow my cholesterol levels were low. I eat at least a can of tuna a day is all I can figure.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I can't believe people live in New Orleans & eat @ Micky D's (or my co-workers--they're all 'from-here's' & eat @ Subway! Gross...). Or any non-local chain for that matter: we got local greasy fast-food that's JUST as guilt-ispiring & tastes better... Popeye's, NOLA Hamburger & Seafood, ANY po-boy stand... <smdh> Now I'm not a from-here I'm a come-here so maybe the from-here's really don't appreciate how good their local stuff is. There's a reason people visit here just to eat, and it ISN'T just b/c it's all either sit-down-fancy OR healthy.

I hope the McRib has come on a bit in the last few years--they kept pulling it off the market b/c no one liked it. I'm glad to hear it has it's fans. I'm not tryin' to be all morally-fucking-superior either--before I moved here I avoided fast food as much as I could but once a year or so found myself w/a 1/4 lb. & those fries (mmmmm, the fries... but see after Parkway or even NOLA Hamburger/Seafood fries...). And when I'm stuck I often default to Hardee's in other parts of the country: not only b/c I like their biscuits, but also b/c for fast-food fried chicken, it's BETTER than KFC (and do we even MENTION Church's? We do NOT...) if not as good as Popeye's or about the same as Bo-J's.

But in NOLA when I have to have heart-attack-on-a-plate take-out I still search for local variations--like I said, it's not a HEALTH decision, it's a "OK, I'm going to do something my body will HATE me for--LET'S MAXIMIZE PLEASURE here..." fried-oyster-&-shrimp-w/debris decision (or simply Brother's fried chicken--that is some MUTHA-F****N' AMAZINGLY-GOOD-A** FRIED CHICKEN!!!).