Must be pimped!

CG2014's Avatar
Saw her ad this morning, send her a PM around 9:54 am asking her if she had any birthday specials: it's my birthday this week.


But she has been online again at 1:35 pm.

I hate providers that don't answer PMs.

Even if she has no specials, she can politely answer:

no I don't, sorry but do you still want to book?

I bet it's her pimp answering her PMs and we all know how pimps are, all criminal thugs with no class.

And looking at her ad, she just posted another one saying she is going to Houston on Wednesday.

A traveling/touring provider is more often than not a sign of a pimped provider.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Trying to haggle is a great way to get providers to ran away from you. Posting angrily about your haggling can get even other girls to avoid you too.

Keep on going, your'e doing a great job!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-02-2018, 01:41 PM
3.5 hours since your initial message asking for a discount...

and you are stalking her "last seen online" pissed she logged in @ 1:35 and didn't message you -right-a-fucking-way?

You were even SO patient to wait a whole 22 minutes before your rage just exploded into this warrentless accusation. *rollseyes*

I think she dodged a fucking bullet. you get ignored and your answer is start a she must be pimped thread...

Way to just gave the girl in question free publicity....and now she'll likely never respond...not because she doesn't want to see you but because she is busy with appts scheduled right from your butt hurt thread about her...
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Lmao wtf is up with this guy
Lmao! And I thought I was hormonal! Thx for the self alert!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I tour exclusively. I seldom, if EVER, take any appointments where I live. It is FAR cheaper for me to live where I live and tour than it would be for me to maintain both a residence and a proper incall.

Now in regards to her response or lack of... If I were 22 and I had 5 PMs... 4 of them not asking for discounts and one of them asking for one, I'd probably just ignore the one discount seeker. Especially with the current board climate where guys want to get incredibly rude when told no.

I'm always quick with the no if I'm not going to see you... but you aren't "owed" that. If you've not paid the girl a dime... you aren't "owed" anything. That's where the concept of voting with your wallet comes in. Don't like her TCB? Don't see her.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-02-2018, 02:32 PM
Even Helen Keller could see this wasn't going to go well.
Her entire menu on P411 consists of "contact via p411," and "under 30 friendly," if you can't see that this spells YMMV, you aren't using the board correctly. Your mileage varied, you got 0 miles, move along, nothing to see here.
Self alert much?
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-02-2018, 03:47 PM
Self alert much? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Well yes...yes he does
Just stop creating new threads dude
daddyo67's Avatar
Happy Birthday CG ! just rub one out! :-)
PeterBota's Avatar
Lmao wtf is up with this guy Originally Posted by Nina the Dicknapper
He’s black
milfy2002's Avatar

That's a nice little ad she's got. From the wording she seems like a nice girl, why go ape shit on her and start a rumor just because she didn't answer you back RIGHT FUCKING NOW?

I get online and don't check my PMS all the time, just because there was something specific a lady has to do online doesn't mean she's got time to answer all her PM's as well.

This sort of abuse is disgusting.

Oh I almost forgot to ask... entitled much?