
being_anon's Avatar
I like the signature quotes pople use
lets bring out your fav quotes
mine is : Reality is an illusion that occurs due to the lack of alcohal
being_anon's Avatar
e i m
" Luck is what you have left over after you give a 100 percent."
all_me's Avatar
Patience is a virtue and ignorance is bliss, so you can have a pretty good life if you don't mind waiting around being stupid.
Mesquitor's Avatar
I would add one but I've been so busy I don't know if I lost a horse or found a rope!
hobbyhorse's Avatar
I like the quote I believe Hot Megan has "I've been too fucking busy, or vice versa"
motocrossman39's Avatar
Stupid Is As Stupid Does.....
*see first quote below
Tyler1189's Avatar
My Dad used to tell me," That's the fuckin' you get, for the fuckin' you got..."
Enjoy yourself, if you can not enjoy youself, then enjoy someone else...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Trifles make the sum of human things,

. . . and half our misery from our foibles springs.
I saw my sig quote on the wall of a Ranger Mess Hall. The other one I like comes again from a Mess Hall at JFK

"There are few events that occur in the human condition that can not be solved with the proper application of high explosives"
DFK Hunter's Avatar
The moral high ground, a great place to site your artillery.
Lokii30's Avatar
If you want to bitch and moan, you'd better be female and naked.

Muffdiver69's Avatar
The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.