Tulsa?? Like a desert

Cardi's Avatar
  • Cardi
  • 10-14-2024, 04:09 PM
What's going on everything in the red lights of t town it seems backpage like guys not as sweet as they was when I was around years ago I came back and I'm disappointed I seen tryst it's ok I guess but the rest is garbage even the guys that used to come in the club and see me said the same the biz out here has dried up!!! MISS YALL!!!

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Looking good!
The Tulsa scene was always more about the old spas, never as good on the Indy front. 5 years of desert, it has been now with the occasional oasis spotted.

Then with a loss of the Oklahoma forums... just not as large of an information exchange anymore for Tulsa...
Bames Jond's Avatar
Why is it when I do that pose before a staff meeting I do not get a receptive engagement from the team? I’m missing something.
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Tulsa is lacking in many ways. Yes, we were tops in the spa scene. Unfortunately we were also tops in no call no show from both sides. When I travelled to TX, AZ, AR, IL, NY I had to use a burner phone with a Dallas area code instead of my Tulsa burner. Providers wouldn't even respond to the Tulsa area code. In talking with a couple in my travels they said the Tulsa oil guys were the worst and was pretty much banned in their inner circle.

I can't imagine with the shutdown of all the Spas that T-towns rep has improved. I know a couple of hobbyists have their regulars. Others aren't hunting the area for their own safety concerns, self included.

Myself, I am trying to find a decent job in a decent hobby area so I can relocate to get back to my hobbying. Colorado (Denver/CO Springs) appeals to me, but realtors have a 2 yr waiting list to show houses. Phoenix is another possibility but cost of living index isn't giving the lifestyle I'd want. I think I'm just going to attend conferences in Vegas, Orlando, and Toronto each quarter to get my fix in.

It's tough to leave Tulsa's cost of living advantages. I love to hobby, but someday I'll need to retire.
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
I will say, the Arkansas forum has been a little bit of help since Fayetteville host all those Walmart corporation big wigs and they are always looking for new talent. It's closer than OKC with the occasional college cutie popping up.
Naked Stranger's Avatar
We all miss the spa days. There’s still a handful of reputable known providers in Tulsa but I imagine they have to tour more often these days. The safety concerns keep me from branching out and have also caused their rates to keep rising. It all just ridiculous.
Lespaulmankc's Avatar
Operation Velvet Fury didn’t help matters any.
Diamond_xoxo's Avatar
I don't know about other providers but all 7 years I've been doing this have been consistently good business wise. The harsher laws are a scare tactic because despite common misconceptions it's a very difficult crime to police, most people are so terrified of potential consequences they lose all common sense and critical thinking skills. Choose your words wisely and ask the right questions and you'll be fine. Texts are not admissible in court and never have been, they can be presented as supporting evidence but only if you physically incriminate yourself in the presence of LE, the only thing cops cannot do is expose their genitals or engage in any sexual contact or touching, so money should never be seen or discussed while anyone has clothes on, when someone tries to talk about or hand me money with their clothes on I say "I have no idea what you're talking about and stare at them till they take the hint. 100% LE proof strategy
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Almost. Even though they aren't supposed to, the do get naked and touch. According to KFOR (OKC news) they are currently investigating multiple instances of officers doing just those things.
Are you trying to tell me that an officer of the law would do something illegal/unethical in the line of duty? I am shocked!
A lot of us men are sick of the “I’ll be there in an hour”, “it’ll be another 30 minutes”, “I’m leaving now”, “this time I’m seriously leaving”, “I had to stop and get gas”, “this time I PROMISE it will just be another 30 minutes”, stories we hear. Tulsa had several reputable providers about 10 years ago and you could avoid the nonsense. Lately, it seems like most providers are a total pain in the ass to deal with.

When you find a provider who is punctual, chances are they’ll upsale the hell out of you.

I’ve had multiple providers hit me up every few days/weeks after seeing them asking for money for food, money for baby’s food, help with rent, car repairs, etc., with no concern that maybe I’m sitting there with a girlfriend, boss, customer, etc. And worse, there never seems to be reciprocation - you can help a provider a 1000 times but I can’t remember any provider ever offering to help me or reciprocate in any way.

So in a sea of ads, finding the few providers who are okay to deal with is more trouble than it’s worth.

Some of us men can get laid and would rather deal with the hassle of a S.O. than dealing with the hassle of some chick’s attitude, poor service, the threat of being robbed, along with the threat of getting busted.
Well said!
Maggiejewel's Avatar
I don't know about other providers but all 7 years I've been doing this have been consistently good business wise. The harsher laws are a scare tactic because despite common misconceptions it's a very difficult crime to police, most people are so terrified of potential consequences they lose all common sense and critical thinking skills. Choose your words wisely and ask the right questions and you'll be fine. Texts are not admissible in court and never have been, they can be presented as supporting evidence but only if you physically incriminate yourself in the presence of LE, the only thing cops cannot do is expose their genitals or engage in any sexual contact or touching, so money should never be seen or discussed while anyone has clothes on, when someone tries to talk about or hand me money with their clothes on I say "I have no idea what you're talking about and stare at them till they take the hint. 100% LE proof strategy Originally Posted by Diamond_xoxo
Oh, honey, you are sorely mistaken! They can do whatever they want. They will lie and say you did things you did not! Actually, if they find you online in one of the sites they can charge you with whatever they please they don't have to prove it at all. They just have to find you if you want to know more about the things that they do you can DM me I can tell you some crazy scary stories about the things that LE does! South of here in my other favorite place. There was a group of them that actually robbed a client! True story! I hate to say this, but what you said is all wrong. If they get in the room with you, you will be in trouble. You actually don't have to say anything. I thought they actually had to catch you doing something wrong but they don't! They'll say you did and that's that, we are nobody-they are the LE! They Lie, they are able to edit your texting! They will print any pics and Ads you have up!

DM me if you want to know more about this stuff!
Maggiejewel's Avatar
A lot of us men are sick of the “I’ll be there in an hour”, “it’ll be another 30 minutes”, “I’m leaving now”, “this time I’m seriously leaving”, “I had to stop and get gas”, “this time I PROMISE it will just be another 30 minutes”, stories we hear. Tulsa had several reputable providers about 10 years ago and you could avoid the nonsense. Lately, it seems like most providers are a total pain in the ass to deal with.

When you find a provider who is punctual, chances are they’ll upsale the hell out of you.

I’ve had multiple providers hit me up every few days/weeks after seeing them asking for money for food, money for baby’s food, help with rent, car repairs, etc., with no concern that maybe I’m sitting there with a girlfriend, boss, customer, etc. And worse, there never seems to be reciprocation - you can help a provider a 1000 times but I can’t remember any provider ever offering to help me or reciprocate in any way.

So in a sea of ads, finding the few providers who are okay to deal with is more trouble than it’s worth.

Some of us men can get laid and would rather deal with the hassle of a S.O. than dealing with the hassle of some chick’s attitude, poor service, the threat of being robbed, along with the threat of getting busted. Originally Posted by shoutout
I thought I was reading my own words. Lol.
I deal with these same things, but from what I believe to be a potential person!
I don't understand why people Do this crap! I've heard them called Carrot Danglers, Time wasters, a few other choice words! They'll set up times and then say, I'm headed your way, blah blah blah. Only to never show up!
I know sometimes I have a little bit of trouble getting out of the house on time, because I have a million things that I have to deal with on my own but I always show up and I always make up for the time if I was late or I give you a better deal to make up for being late, but I always show up and leave ya with your knees shaking! HA HA HA HA