Rand Corporation Report Says the Iraq War Was Shrubbie's Biggest Blunder

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wait until they write up the report on Obama and his loss of both Iraq and Afghanistan. What? Isn't that what the left likes to do? If someone attacks your guy then you try to equate with someone else without answering the charge. I think part of the reason that you will try to equate "blunder" with George Bush is that he had to turn over to an incompetent who wasted the effort by overriding more knowledgeble people than the incompetent Obama. Face it Tampon, we (meaning GW Bush) won the war in Iraq and Obama lost it. Everything else is window dressing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There's no need to 'wait', JD. The article already incriminates Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo, and belies BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat's mantra.

"In October 1998 ... Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act, providing funds for the Iraqi opposition. Later in 1998, Clinton authorized a four-day bombing campaign designed to strike Iraqi WMD sites."

"Violent Salafists from Syria and elsewhere have swept through the Sunni areas of Iraq, routing the Iraqi army, seizing important cities and declaring an Islamist caliphate. There were no U.S. military forces available in Iraq to support the Iraqi army."

"The United States had been waging a low-grade undeclared war against Saddam since Desert Storm ended as part of its containment strategy. As part of Operations Northern Watch and Southern Watch, the U.S. Air Force flew daily missions over 60 percent of Iraqi territory and was often fired upon."

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Doctored quote, IBIdiot.

JDIdiot, on the other hand, just spews his vitriol without fact, backup or corroboration. Just shameful, his lies.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Doctored quote, IBIdiot.

JDIdiot, on the other hand, just spews his vitriol without fact, backup or corroboration. Just shameful, his lies. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're an unmitigated liar that has obviously missed its morning *doctoring*, you Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
There's no need to 'wait', JD. The article already incriminates Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo, and belies BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat's mantra.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Again chicken dick advocates for a never ending war. You can train 'em, but you can't make them fight.
LexusLover's Avatar
http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/12/r...ggest-blunder/ Originally Posted by bigtex
Are you trying to cover up the turds in the Obaminable sand pile?

Still whining about Bush are you?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Again chicken dick advocates for a never ending war. You can train 'em, but you can't make them fight. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
When did you aspire to become a plucking chicken dick plucker, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp?
BigKotex is taking it to his grave.
Still whining about Bush are you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Absolutely, and you're still whining about Clinton, aren't you?

As for your favorite Shrubbie, there is one hell of a lot to whine about! Considering the 2 unfounded wars, the ill conceived and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq and the worst econonomic conditions since The Great Depression. And all of the other dismal conditions that "The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in modern American history" left in his wake.


And LLIdiot voted for his favorite Shrub four times!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Religious fanaticism is not a good thing regardless of your choice of religion.
There is however, only one religion that kills in the name of Allah.
In hindsight, it is better to have a dictatorial despot control the fanatics through whatever means is needed including but not limited to genocide in order to keep the rest of the world safe from those fanatics.
It is painfully obvious that allowing the fanatics to run amok just creates the same end result.
What is the common denominator in all of this?
Why did we stop Hitler and not Lenin or Stalin??
I am guessing at the time they were less of a threat to us than say a bunch of religious fanatics with WMDs. The biggest difference being that one is willing to die and have as many of their own die to further their religious beliefs and the other had eliminated those that had religious beliefs.

In our own nation, it seems there are those that prefer eugenics over genocide as it is more palatable. Just check out the abortion statistics and see who is aborting the most with government assistance.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Absolutely, and you're still whining about Clinton, aren't you?

As for your favorite Shrubbie, there is one hell of a lot to whine about! Considering the 2 unfounded wars, the ill conceived and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq and the worst econonomic conditions since The Great Depression. And all of the other dismal conditions that "The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in modern American history" left in his wake.


And LLIdiot voted for his favorite Shrub four times!
Originally Posted by bigtex
From your article, BigKoTex: The BUTTer bar ASShat:

"In October 1998 ... Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act, providing funds for the Iraqi opposition. Later in 1998, Clinton authorized a four-day bombing campaign designed to strike Iraqi WMD sites."

"The United States had been waging a low-grade undeclared war against Saddam since Desert Storm ended as part of its containment strategy. As part of Operations Northern Watch and Southern Watch, the U.S. Air Force flew daily missions over 60 percent of Iraqi territory and was often fired upon."
From your article Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IBIdiot, there is a tremendous amount of difference between Clinton's bombing mission and the ill fated and ill advised Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. Clinton's limited scope mission lasted all of 4 days, Shrubbie's lasted the remainder of his term in office.

To make matters worse, Shrubbie's ill advised misadventure came at a cost of $1 trillion and 4500+ American lives. Now, let's compare that to Clinton's 4 day limited scope, bombing mission! Shall we?

Do you really want to have this discussion, IBIdiot?
The "Thugocracy" of the Sadam Regime that would line you against the wall if you questioned their policies is being replaced by a Theocracy that will line you against the wall if you question their policies.
The "Thugocracy" of the Sadam Regime that would line you against the wall if you questioned their policies is being replaced by a Theocracy that will line you against the wall if you question their policies. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, I have never disputed the fact that Saddam was a pain in the ass thug. But during the spring of 2003, our dispute was with al Qaeda, not Iraq. Saddam had nothing, whatsoever to do with 9/11, al Qaeda did. Shrubbie's lost focus upon the true perpetrator's of 9/11 and we senselessly lost 4500+ American lives because of it.