
Bumpy_Deek's Avatar
I will not be unprofessional like this provider was so I wont mention her name....

Unprofessional ......... So I make an appointment with xxxxxx xxxxx. After some back and forward banter we set the time. I shower, get dressed and head out, I arrived at her incall in anticipation and ready for a great time but .........

I knock on the door and she greets me with a tad of sleepiness in her eyes, I guess she took a nap while waiting for the appointment. She asked about a shower and I said I already took one, actually sniffed me and I assumed I passed. We handled the business end of the deal and she laid it into a bowl near the door. She leaves to get comfortable so I started to do the same but then my stomach grumbled and I realized that maybe I shouldnt have eaten so close to appointment time. At this point we are about ten minutes in the session, she returns and I ask to use the bathroom, I said that on second thought I need to shower. So I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower but actually I have to drop a load. I thought that it was going to be a quick pinch but it wasnt. It took a little but not more than 10 min, then I hop in the shower real quick to get clean again.

I come back and she seems to be upset, I make a small joke but she gets all unprofessional and starts cursing with an attitude saying, what took so fucking long, its been 30min. I was like nothing, just relax. She said you have 30min left, I replied with, "there is no need to curse at me and why only 30min, you offered the shower". She continues to act like a bitch but I press on. She stops and says that she needs to use the bathroom but stays gone a bit. After a couple of minutes I go check on her cause I think this session is going bad. I get to the bathroom and she is on the phone bitching to someone about me, how unprofessional is that, when she sees me she darts into the bathroom real quick and I hear "WHAT THE FUCK, what's that smell ", then I hear " fuck, that's gross then blehhhhhhh". I walk by the bathroom and she is throwing up in the sink, if she was sick she should have not made the appointment.

So then she says "you nasty fucker, YOU left that big shit in the toilet" then blehhhhh again. I was embarrassed and humiliated, she could have just flushed it, I made an innocent mistake, I planned to flush after the shower so that the flushing wouldnt make the water scold me. I have never been treated in such a rude manner, what a bitch I thought. She is such a DRAMA queen,,,,,,,,, just flush it. After she finished and I flushed the toilet for her, I told her that I still had 20 min left. She said "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE", I was stunned she said that to me. I went to the room and started to dress because if she was going to be this unprofessional I was leaving. After I left room I went to the bathroom and asked her for my donation back but she said no, I stated that I did NOT recieve any service so I want my donation. She said leave or I will call "someone" and you have been here over 45 minutes. I left the bathroom, went back to the room and grabbed my donation out of the place she "hid it" in the room. I stormed out of the room and passed her headed to the room (she had a shocked look on her face that I was still there), I let myself out and headed to the car. I hear her yelling "you fucker" from the door as I closed my car door.

I will not see this unprofessional "provider" again. At least I did not lose my $$.5 .......

Get this, later she texted me and said that when I flushed, the toilet eventually over flowed and I "owe" her the donation and the cost to fix her toilet. I texted back NO, you are unprofessional and should get into another business.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I do not have a clue as to what to say about this. I am at a total loss for words.
  • romab
  • 10-12-2011, 08:10 PM
Leaves me speechless. Blue water wasn't involved I hope.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 10-12-2011, 08:12 PM
Its a bit early for a Dear_John April Fools post, sir.

Me thincks Monica might be back, maybe???
  • romab
  • 10-12-2011, 08:14 PM
Whoever, whatever At least was good for chuckle real or otherwise
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I don't know if I would have posted this myself
Jack Flash's Avatar
Fuck I wanna know who the girl was.

I guess I will say it:

Dude, you took a shit at a girls incall and didn't flush? I think that might be just a tad unprofessional on your part.
Bumpy_Deek's Avatar
Whoever, whatever At least was good for chuckle real or otherwise Originally Posted by romab
This is real, I dont have many post because I usually dont hvae any thing to add. I really dont hobby too much, it is too expensive, that is why I got my donation back. I too can not believe how unprofessional she acted, I was disappointed.

I have a couple of friends on here who can vouch for me if necessary.
Allen Woody's Avatar
Awesome post, I belly laughed.

" later she texted me and said that when I flushed, the toilet eventually over flowed "

...With a kicker at the end. Well played sir.

Also, your writing reminds me of emails I get from my Chinese business clients.
  • romab
  • 10-12-2011, 08:31 PM
So this falls into the category of: Shit happens
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I learned a long time ago in the bar scene you can't peel the paint off a gal's bathroom walls and expect to get laid. This applies to civvies and providers.

I'm leaning toward thinking this was just creative potty humor, but then again, in this weird business I suppose anything can happen. I don't know whether to admire the OP for his ability to spin a yarn or for getting his $$ back. Bravo, sir.
h2theizzo's Avatar
This was awesome. Thank you. Thank you very much.
I can't believe you took a shit and worse, you forgot to flush......OMG I just threw up on my computer