Attention Animal Lovers: Humane Society of the United States

I received the news in an email and wanted to share. It's enlightening and disturbing, as it reveals all of the facts about the organization.

The webpage lays out everything.

Humane Society of the United States

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is a radical animal rights group that inaccurately portrays itself as a mainstream animal care organization. The words “humane society” may appear on its letterhead, but HSUS is not affiliated with your local animal shelter. Despite the omnipresent dogs and cats in its fundraising materials and television commercials, it’s not an organization that runs spay/neuter programs or takes in stray, neglected, and abused pets. And quite unlike the common image of animal protection agencies as cash-strapped organizations dedicated to animal welfare, HSUS has become the wealthiest animal rights organization on earth.
  • Click here to see proof of how HSUS gives 1 percent of its budget to pet shelters
  • Click here to see evidence of how HSUS deceives Americans
  • Click here to see evidence that HSUS wants to eliminate meat, cheese, and dairy foods
  • Click here to read about how HSUS’s CEO has said he doesn’t want to see another dog or cat born
  • Click here to discover how HSUS’s CEO said dogfighting kingpin Michael Vick would “do a good job as a pet owner”
  • Click here to see how HSUS funnels more money into its pension plan than it gives to pet shelters
  • Click here to learn about why the American Institute of Philanthropy gives HSUS a “D” rating
  • Click here to read why six Congressmen recently called for a federal investigation of HSUS
HSUS is big, rich, and powerful. While most local animal shelters are under-funded and unsung, HSUS has accumulated $195 million in assets and built a recognizable brand by capitalizing on the confusion its very name provokes. This misdirection results in an irony of which most animal lovers are unaware: HSUS raises enough money to finance animal shelters in every single state, with money to spare, yet it doesn’t operate a single one anywhere.

Follow the link to read the complete webpage article:

Hercules's Avatar
Wonder if this is specific to HSUS and not local Humane Societies? I only question because I've adopted 3 pets through local Humane Societies and those folks were all volunteers.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Your local humane societies are a far cry from the HSUS, ASPCA and PETA.

Locals do the heavy lifting, the nationals have different functions, like lobbying cities, states, congress, the Dept of Agriculture, FDA and so on; and making nice with the press and vacuous celebrities; PR work for what often are annoying and unpopular causes (Chicken fights in Oklahoma come to mind).

Springtime some animal shelters snuff a hundred puppies and kittens or more a day, even more on the weekends. There's no homes, no food, no space, no vet care. The resources just don't exist.

Feel for stray lost or starving animals? Donate time, money or just good vibes to your local shelter organization. Have your pets spayed or neutered, encourage your family and friends and neighbors to do the same.