What would you do???

Frique-Me's Avatar
You're a cop and you receive orders to respond to a active shooter in the local mall. What's not known to you is there are several CHL holders in the mall who have decided to take matters into there own hands. So when you show up there's SEVERAL shooters firing rounds...

What would you do??
Dittychaser's Avatar
Call for backup
sparrow1122's Avatar
Let them fonish and then clean up
Frique-Me's Avatar
Call for backup Originally Posted by Dittychaser
Me too, but at some point you'll have to make entry.
Frique-Me's Avatar
Let them fonish and then clean up Originally Posted by sparrow1122
That response assumes they can finish. Not every CHL holder is Dirty Harry or tactically trained for those types of situations.

I myself have a CHL and I'm not sure how I would handle this scenario. I asked the question bc I believe this will happen in our time. Add to the fact some college campuses will allow students to be strapped.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
If you're going to carry you should get the training, watch the videos, make it to the range every now and then, shoot some IDPA matches (a hoot, by the way).

As to the OP question, in this scenario the good part most likely will be over before the police get out of their cars, if not then the active shooter most likely has a long gun and the chl a snubbie.
one4all00's Avatar
Not a policeman, haven't had their training, but based on the Waco bikers incident when they enter everyone with a gun is going down. As soon as I'm aware of LE presence, I'm holstering and hunkering down.

I wonder how they train for the eventuality of your scenario.
Frique-Me's Avatar
I wonder how they train for the eventuality of your scenario. Originally Posted by one4all00
Me too
cheatercheater's Avatar
As soon as an active shooter alarm has sounded, senior command would be in route to assess the situation. Just as military doesn't send one soldier in to sweep a building, local LE isn't responding to a mall with one.
Scenario changes if you're a cop already in the mall when the shooting starts. I'm sure it wouldn't take but a few seconds to determine the active shooter as they would be shooting all directions trying to kill masses versus a chl shooter aiming at one target.
In depth chl training teaches you to assess the situation and know how and when to address the situation. Remember you, the chl holder, is responsible for wherever your bullet ends up. Make sure the target is clear with no one in between, behind, or beside the target. Mistakes cost lives and all lives matter.