I actually was in NYC and my bf and I went down there. Peaceful. It was like a festival I've been to in Rio where people were selling food and trinkets.Yeah, exactly like a tea party rally... except those participating in OWS lacked basic hygiene, good manners, a proper work ethic and any respect for laws, the Constitution, and the right to own property without having it confiscated by jealous losers and pathetic layabouts who understand nothing about how real wealth is created or the underpinnings of a successful economy.
Basically the left's version of a Tea Party rally....except instead of going home they stayed. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, exactly like a tea party rally... except those participating in OWS lacked basic hygiene, good manners, a proper work ethic and any respect for laws, the Constitution, and the right to own property without having it confiscated by jealous losers and pathetic layabouts who understand nothing about how real wealth is created or the underpinnings of a successful economy. Originally Posted by lustyladYou Tea Nuts were carry signs around about keeping the Government out of their Medicare!
No matter how much free stuff we hand out to you OWS leeches you won't stop defecating on the sidewalks!That is what happens after sexual relations with your mummy.
Originally Posted by lustylad