Gentlemen & Ladies What Factors Your Choice in Providers & Referrals?

Gentlemen...when doing your research in finding the right provider for the right experience what top things do you look for?

1. Pictures (really suggestive pics or pics with a nice sensual composition)
2. Reviews or referrals
3. A good website or no website (just a showcase)
4. Location
5. A well written add....a catchy title to the add...An uncluttered add without the flashy blinking icon faces.

I have been reading the provider adds being posted, and I must say more than half if not more of these ladies do not have much information and no website and very vague showcases with very amateur like photographs. The photographs of a provider taking her own photograph in front of a mirror is a prime example.

If this were me, I would be very careful. Many more established ladies require referrals on our clients. If I were a gent I would be wanting the same upscale established reputation from the lady I was wanting to see.

Now my other question for the ladies...If you can not take an appointment due to prior obligations and the gent asks for a suggestion for another lady.....What type of provider and provider qualities would you look for in a lady to want to give referral business too. Or you may need to find another provider do a double session with if you client requested it?
Whispers's Avatar
Gentlemen...when doing your research in finding the right provider for the right experience what top things do you look for?

1. Pictures (really suggestive pics or pics with a nice sensual composition)

I prefer pics of a lady dressed for different occasions with maybe one boudoir shot... I'm looking for a "look" and eyes are an important aspect.

2. Reviews or referrals

When I find the look I go to the reviews...... Referrals from some guys are simply acted on.... Others I head to the pics.....

3. A good website or no website (just a showcase)

I just need a showcase. I know anything written for the website won't be as accurate as what I'll garner from an email or talking to her. Websites are brushed and scripted too much.

4. Location

minimally a factor.....

5. A well written add....a catchy title to the add...An uncluttered add without the flashy blinking icon faces.

I prefer plain and simple with availability.....

I have been reading the provider adds being posted, and I must say more than half if not more of these ladies do not have much information and no website and very vague showcases with very amateur like photographs. The photographs of a provider taking her own photograph in front of a mirror is a prime example.

We are getting more and more ladies to the table with little to no experience and seeing a BP type mentality in play..... They will learn....

If this were me, I would be very careful. Many more established ladies require referrals on our clients. If I were a gent I would be wanting the same upscale established reputation from the lady I was wanting to see.

You are not the Gent.... Some guys will jump through the hoops you put in place but most simply want to get laid with as little hassle as possible.....

Now my other question for the ladies...If you can not take an appointment due to prior obligations and the gent asks for a suggestion for another lady.....What type of provider and provider qualities would you look for in a lady to want to give referral business too. Or you may need to find another provider do a double session with if you client requested it? Originally Posted by BritishBabe
Simple is better....
If I am not available then yes I will list a few other ladies. They are ladies that I have met in person and know have great TCB and BCD skills and reviews. As far as doubles go, again it goes back to ladies I have already met.
harkontume's Avatar
Everytime I post that Face pics are a factor in my decision multiple complaints about privacy come out.
I know. I know .. Just saying that I am a sucker for a pretty face! That is why I am still waiting for Laura Lucks to get that incall. She has "the look".
The first thing I look at are the titles. If the title says something I'm interested in, I move to step two. Because of the volume of posts on here, the context and words in the title are the most important. That's what catches my initial attention.

Step Two: Pictures of course: Pictures that are old or that I have seen before cause me to loose interest fast. If there are new pics that maybe show me something I want, I move to the next step. As far as pictures go, I like variety i.e. wearing different outfits.

The pictures of someone taking their own picture in a mirror is ok with me, some of them paint a decent picture. The pictures that make me crazy are the little ones that are uploaded. As a side note, 15-20 pics seems to be sufficient.

Step Three: Reviews: Lack of reviews is much more discouraging than a bad review. When I read a bad review, I take it into context with what the other comments are. I'm really looking for a pattern. Sometimes providers have bad days, sometimes guys have bad days.

Location and websites are not that big of a factor. A poorly done website however can be a deal killer for me. My advice is either have a great website, or none.

Here are a couple of things I consider important.

1) Is the provider a member of the community. In other words, are they actively involved with posting, and commenting. I look at each the see if there is regular and consistent activity. A lack of activity tells me they aren't in the game permanently or are just flakey.

2) Have they been reviewed by some of the better know people.

3) How fast do they respond. Generally speaking if I haven't heard back from a provider in 30 minutes, I move on. When I call I am looking to make an appointment with int he next two hours. When I get that itch, it needs to be scratched.

4) Typos - Make me crazy when I see a bunch of them, as does bad grammer.

5) Broken Links - Another thing that makes me loose interest.

A couple of things Whisper said above I agree with:
-We are looking for a look, most of us are looking for something very specfic, i.e. Cougars
-All I need is a showcase as well.
-Prefer plain (ads) and simple with availability - This is huge, give us times and dates you are available. It will reduce the numbers of tire kickers and make it easier on us to set appointments. The pictures and reviews will tell us the rest of the story.

Hope this helps, pm me if you'd like me to add to this.
Utanks's Avatar
I agree with whispers as far as a more simplified ad catching my attention. As far as crieria it is far more important to me that a lady have multiple contact options. If the primary driver (or sometimes only driver) for contact is phone, I am less likely to bite since I too have anonymity concerns to deal with. Plus multi contact implies a gal who is more responsive than not. Response via eccie PM is a plus.
  • Jax
  • 01-27-2011, 03:55 PM
I also pay attention to specials because I've got to watch how I use my play-money. And after I've met a provider, I usually feel very comfortable in discussing a variety of matters with her. When looking at ads, I begin with the heading - to get my attention. I check out the pictures and comments the providers provides. The reviews play a role, too. Sometimes it fluxuates depending on my mood, but I often am curious and will sometimes take a chance just to see who it is.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 01-27-2011, 04:06 PM
What's that elephant in the corner?
AangBang's Avatar
For me it boils down to this:

50% Looks
25% Menu (-25% for no BBBJ and/or no MSOG, +25% for CIM)
25% TCB Skills (doesn't matter how hot/skilled she is if she cant handle her business).

If she scores 80% or more I will see her - if I can afford her! The closer she scores to 100%, the more I will pay!
  • 01-28-2011, 03:29 AM
4) Typos - Make me crazy when I see a bunch of them, as does bad grammer.

5) Broken Links - Another thing that makes me loose interest. Originally Posted by l81morex
4) Typos - Make me crazy when I see a bunch of them, as does bad grammar.

5) Broken Links - [An]other things that makes me lose interest.

Sorry, couldn't help myself!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 01-28-2011, 08:35 AM
4) Typos - Make me crazy when I see a bunch of them, as does bad grammar.

5) Broken Links - [An]other things that makes me lose interest.

Sorry, couldn't help myself! Originally Posted by jimbo1605
Thing, not things; tut.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Looks - face pictures definitely can get me off the fence. Pictures that are the same size as the thumbnails piss me off. I would prefer a picture taken with a camera phone and a mirror than a glamour shot that leaves me wondering if that's who I should expect to see when the door opens. Camera phones have come a long way, and you can take some very decent (informative, not artistic) shots with them.

Menu - there are certain things that are deal breakers for me, some of them, I'm willing to negotiate on if the reason listed above is compelling enough.

Price - Let's face it. Most guys I've talked to has admitted that when they see a woman (even out in civie world) a price pops into their minds. Several providers I've spoken to have said they do the same thing. If the combinations of your looks and menu doesn't match with rate, then I will lose interest.
  • 01-28-2011, 07:46 PM
4) Typos - Make me crazy when I see a bunch of them, as does bad grammar.

5) Broken Links - [An]other things that makes me lose interest.

Sorry, couldn't help myself! Originally Posted by jimbo1605
Thing, not things; tut. Originally Posted by 78704
Hmmm. Since "typos" were plural and "links" were plural, I stand by my conviction that the plural "Broken Links - [are] other things" is correct. Of course, I did miss the change from "makes" to "make." Sue me!

Now, let's declare a truce and find ourselves a double [singular or plural?]!
I'll admit it, I'm a value shopper. It's not that I don't want top shelf or that I want to send a message saying I don't respect your worth, it's just that I have to keep my spending UTR.

So I need to see an adv indicating a willingness to work something out, good reviews to know you are someone I can trust and enough pictures to know there's a spark of interest for me. I love women so you don't have to be a super model to get my mojo going. Eager beats pretty and I probably can't afford both.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 01-28-2011, 09:54 PM
Hmmm. Since "typos" were plural and "links" were plural, I stand by my conviction that the plural "Broken Links - [are] other things" is correct. Of course, I did miss the change from "makes" to "make." Sue me!

Now, let's declare a truce and find ourselves a double [singular or plural?]! Originally Posted by jimbo1605
[an] /= [are]

We can declare a truce after I win.
Just saw Carrina today; I'm going to be relaxed and smiling for at least the weekend.