It is All About the Presentation

$250 an hour? Really? This provider looks like she just got done cutting the grass, or standing in line at a Dollar General. Hard to believe she gets p4p even living in Mississippi.
Notice the inviting in call. Jeez
Why are you singling this provider out? Say what you want about her but clearly she has caught your attention and you have enough interest in her to devote a post to her and to even take it a step further by imagining what she does all are coming off like a closeted chubby chaser.

$250 an hour? Really? This provider looks like she just got done cutting the grass, or standing in line at a Dollar General. Hard to believe she gets p4p even living in Mississippi. Originally Posted by BourneWhorist
Not very nice
nuglet's Avatar
Roxanne: true, but just curious.. to which poster are you referring? Both seemed out of line.
knotty man's Avatar
roxanne, i dont think anyone on this board would ever put you in the same light as this other girl. your a self proclaimed BBW who carries herself with as much grace and dignity as any lady on here. your looks , dress and hygeine are always on point. and your reviews reflect your skills and great attitude towards every gent that has been lucky enough to see you. Go on wit yo bad self!!
How was I out of line? I didn't mean chubby chaser in a derogatory way but rather wanted to draw attention to the fact that he seems so closeted in his love for her and is manifesting it in such an aggressive way. His cowardice and maliciousness were what I was putting in a negative light NOT his possible attraction to curvy women.

I agree, Roxanne looks hot!
Roxanne: true, but just curious.. to which poster are you referring? Both seemed out of line. Originally Posted by nuglet
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Some people are just assholes who are so low on the self they on get pleasure by putting others down
nuglet's Avatar
Somebody was completely misunderstood. It's all good!!!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Not I
I never mentioned weight, size, or anything like that. The fact is every one is judged whether they post an add, or respond to one. My point with this particular "provider" is that if she really wanted to command $250 an hour for her time, why would she take a picture of herself dressed like a vagrant standing around a pile of dirty clothes? Does she not realize or care about the impression she makes?

Believe me I did not seek this person out. They are one of the many showcases that appear when you open Eccie.

Closeted chubby chaser? No I am a whorist. That means all ranges of sizes, ethnicities, ages and experiences. I do not limit my whoring to hotels or the street scene. Just do what I feel free to do.

There are all kinds of things we do not say, because we want to be appear to be a nice person on the Hooker board. I tend to say what i want.
S O B's Avatar
  • S O B
  • 01-29-2011, 09:03 AM
+1 It seems Nug aspires to be a moderator.
nuglet's Avatar
hmmm, maybe, but not likely. Those guys devote a lot of their free time riding herd here. Without much benefit...
If nothing else it was a public attack on a girl that is just living her life and trying to find work here and it came off like you wanted people to dog pile on her with insults because she doesn't fit the mold you prefer. The dollar general store comment seemed like thinly veiled classism but I'm sure you will deny that as well. It's none of my business anyway. fuck it.

I never mentioned weight, size, or anything like that. The fact is every one is judged whether they post an add, or respond to one. My point with this particular "provider" is that if she really wanted to command $250 an hour for her time, why would she take a picture of herself dressed like a vagrant standing around a pile of dirty clothes? Does she not realize or care about the impression she makes?

Believe me I did not seek this person out. They are one of the many showcases that appear when you open Eccie.

Closeted chubby chaser? No I am a whorist. That means all ranges of sizes, ethnicities, ages and experiences. I do not limit my whoring to hotels or the street scene. Just do what I feel free to do.

There are all kinds of things we do not say, because we want to be appear to be a nice person on the Hooker board. I tend to say what i want. Originally Posted by BourneWhorist
Mature Companion's Avatar
I'm NOT WK the OP. Don't know him. However, I understand what he's trying to say and he could of/should of explained it better in his initial post.

Men are visual creatures. And if a woman of any age or size is going to cater to a mans sexual needs in this adult hobby. She first needs to captivate him visually & mentally.
I could be wrong. But I don't think my old brain has failed me on that logic.

It's not her size nor her donations that are the issue: It's the visual presentation.
The OP linked a showcase where the photos were not appealing at all. Nasty incall, pile of dirty laundry and Jeans/T-shirt that looked rather frumpy. It only takes a few minutes to take some sexy photos & post them.

I never mentioned weight, size, or anything like that. The fact is every one is judged whether they post an add, or respond to one. My point with this particular "provider" is that if she really wanted to command $250 an hour for her time, why would she take a picture of herself dressed like a vagrant standing around a pile of dirty clothes? Does she not realize or care about the impression she makes?

Believe me I did not seek this person out. They are one of the many showcases that appear when you open Eccie.

Closeted chubby chaser? No I am a whorist. That means all ranges of sizes, ethnicities, ages and experiences. I do not limit my whoring to hotels or the street scene. Just do what I feel free to do.

There are all kinds of things we do not say, because we want to be appear to be a nice person on the Hooker board. I tend to say what i want. Originally Posted by BourneWhorist