For Whispers

Everytime I log onto this forum, I get irritated because of you... just like Michael does Toby. Please join twitter. Or start a blog. Basically, relieve us of your presence here so that those of us who actually enjoy the escort/client scene can have meaningful discussions again. You have sucked all of the life out of this forum.

And I mean that in the most respectful way possible. (the happy face makes it light-hearted, lol)
atxbrad's Avatar
<respectfully> Please dont speak for everyone. I enjoy the escort/client scene too but that doesnt mean that Whispers ruins it for me. Those that oppose him make it seem like he is the ruler of this kingdom which is not further from the truth.
I am one that thinks the forums are more truthful & I enjoy it more now than in the past as they are not as lopsided toward providers as other boards and members were in the past, that was not enjoyable for me. For which I give several people credit for, not just Whispers.

As they say............If you dont like it, dont read it (the happy face makes it light-hearted)
........who is Whispers?
Whispers's Avatar
Everytime I log onto this forum, I get irritated because of you...

Ya gotta love the consistency!

just like Michael does Toby. Please join twitter. Or start a blog. Basically, relieve us of your presence here so that those of us who actually enjoy the escort/client scene can have meaningful discussions again. You have sucked all of the life out of this forum.

Actually.... I believe I played a small part in clearing out the shitheads that used to control the place......

And I mean that in the most respectful way possible. (the happy face makes it light-hearted, lol) Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Come on now...... Just because you say it in a respectful manner and make it all lighthearted doesn't mean that I'm gonna run away now after 11 years of simply not giving a damn?

hhhmmmmm..... uhmmmmmm..... Wellll.....

With No disrespect meant and since the smiley faces make it light hearted.......

go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of..... I'm hear to stay!

nuglet's Avatar
yeppers, just like a fungus,
Come on now...... Just because you say it in a respectful manner and make it all lighthearted that I'm gonna run away now after 11 years of simply not giving a damn?

hhhmmmmm..... uhmmmmmm..... Wellll.....

With No disrespect meant and since the smiley faces make it light hearted.......

go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of..... I'm hear to stay!
Originally Posted by Whispers
LOL cute. You can flip me off, but it doesn't change 3 things:

1. That clip was not just funny as all get out, but fitting as well.
2. No one gives two cat shits about the things you do or say. This isn't twitter. We did not subscribe to WHISPERS. I'm just so fucking over this bullshit. Really.
3. I am young, thin, beautiful and paid with admirers and friends in every major US city. I didn't crawl from under any rock... I'm just bored with apres-ski and have a few hours to kill before I hit the airport....and hoping my flight home to Austin tonight makes it! I already bought my tickets and costume for carnival tomorrow night! I'll make sure to post pix if I can get there!

@Brad: It IS an issue because this forum is totally devoid of any relevant non-stripper talk. As far as "don't like it, don't read"? Dude, really? Is that the conclusion for your argument? This is a board for a diverse amount of people engaged in P4P. If one segment (the stripper segment) is draining out the other, changes need to be made. And it looks like I have to initiate them. Damnit! Do I have to do everything around here??? LOL!!

@Whispers lackeys: If I started posting threads about how hobbyists aren't worth it and we providers need to find alternate ways to make money; I know that shit would not be met with a nod and a smile. If I mentioned that I hit nursing homes to make elderly wealthy men feel special (for a few "hunn'ert" of course)... or the vet clinics to get injured soldiers to buy me Louboutins with their benefit checks... I'd be considered the worst disgusting type of whore. Consider these examples as you post your sick and ridiculous diatribes of providers in favor of strippers that everyone rolls their eyes at.

And before anyone calls me old, fat, ugly or jealous (I know yall love to paint all of your female dissenters with those words), consider my third point. I have no motive in this thread other than resuscitating lively and diverse conversation.
  • Vyt
  • 02-03-2011, 07:16 PM
You have sucked all of the life out of this forum.

And I mean that in the most respectful way possible. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Well, I'd hate to see what you would have said disrespectfully!
Whispers's Avatar
and drawing attention to yourself and that you'll be here in Austin for a bit....

Good Luck Darlin.....

There are plenty of those types of threads started and left alone to die their quick deaths.....

The only crap stirred up in CoEd is almost always started by a lady or one of her wusses...... The difference now a days ais they get bitch slapped when they deserve it.....
Well, I'd hate to see what you would have said disrespectfully! Originally Posted by Vyt
Didja see the clip??? OMG am I the only one who finds it funny? Damn. That's what's truly gonna hurt my feelings.
nuglet's Avatar
Kara, if you need a ride, there's a couple of us going to the Ball as well, you're welcome to come with us.. Whispers will need to get his own 18 wheeler..
Guest031411-2's Avatar
ok, I'll admit it is funny if you are the one that thinks like Michael Scott. If you are the other guy its not so funny.
Whispers's Avatar
Didja see the clip??? OMG am I the only one who finds it funny? Damn. That's what's truly gonna hurt my feelings. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
You think your feelings matter?

A lot of time and effort went into changing things in Austin darlin and you ain't got the ability to muster the troops and change it back.....

They all went over to the Wuss Board....

Maybe if your nice someone will give you a link....
and drawing attention to yourself and that you'll be here in Austin for a bit....

Good Luck Darlin.....

There are plenty of those types of threads started and left alone to die their quick deaths.....

The only crap stirred up in CoEd is almost always started by a lady or one of her wusses...... The difference now a days ais they get bitch slapped when they deserve it..... Originally Posted by Whispers
I'm not the one, Whispers. I'm so not the one. You intimidate all these other gals, but I'm from Houston and we don't tolerate that shit.

I'm in Austin for two days only with friends/family (not seeing clients, obviously) this weekend and then its back to Minneapolis for fun with my ATF's and DJ Colette's concert.

Don't think for a second that my vocal dissent with you has to do with drumming up business. All anyone has to do is look at my reviews, showcase or website to see that I need no extraneous business. In fact, my showcase here still says I am on hiatus!

You're going to have to try much, much harder to break me or shut me up than the other "adorables." I'm not an "adorable". I have been, and always will be a Houston "Hottie." Hence my sassiness. Ask DearHunter and Wakeup! *giggle!*
I personally find his posts very helpful....I remember back in the ASPD days when he would pull pics of any reviewed provider from some hidden treasure chest he had and post on the thread....Sure he posts a lot and states his opinion, but who cares, isnt that what the board is for???

I just moved back to ATX and enjoy having the knowledge he is sharing, just wish I his luck. I have been around a long time and have some stories, but man, not like that.

Thanks Whispers for your contributions to the boards and fellow member!!
nuglet's Avatar
Contributions? Really? Welcome back to ATX, but you're right... he does have some "stories". He's a legend in his own mind.