Email Warnings?

I posted in ISO recently, and a few hours later, I get an email from some guy warning me to stay away from 3 specific providers--none of whom were responders to my ISO, by the way. He said they have a lot of bad reviews, they have a pimp that writes fake positive reviews for them. They don't cuddle, they don't kiss, they are clock-watchers, they don't stay the agreed upon time, they are drug users, etc., etc. He also provided links to bad reviews and threads in the Mens Lounge area.

So, I am thinking this guy is way out of line. I don't know this guy. I don't want to know this guy. He's got a screw loose to have this level of obsession.

Are there any Eccie rules against emailing every person who makes an ISO post, for the sole purpose of talking shit about providers?
name the handle..
PeterBota's Avatar
Pimpin ain’t ez. RTM the fag to the mods.
Was it efredrick411?
OP how long ago was it that this person posted those links in the Men's Lounge?

i just looked and didn't find anything like that.. at least not any recent info..

also, do you have access to the ML section?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
A client of mine just told me this same exact story the other night.

With that being said it seems pretty agenda ridden. Some of the things may or may not be true but I have never heard of this particular crew being dangerous or ripping anyone off.
NubianPrince, yes it was efredrick411.

Abe, I don't have access to the Mens Lounge; I let my premium status lapse.

Jules, that was my take as well. There's an area for reviews and an area for alerts. If someone starts messaging everyone with an ISO post, that raises red flags with the guy, not the providers. The three particular providers aren't my type, but I was aware of them and had not heard anything untoward.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Unfortunately, this is a very cut-throat business... Slobbyists love to harm an adult entertainer's business/reputation for any little reason. It's not just slobbyists though, there are plenty of ratchet providers who bash on on another girl for no valid reason, just as much as I hear about men talking shit, I hear about other providers knocking each other down to clients. Why a provider would do that during a session, IDK... it's the last thing a client wants to hear.

I've heard of this happening in ISO's before, although not quite this scenario since those ladies didn't even respond to your post. That is extreme even for a slobbyist. Definitely sounds like an agenda and should be referred to staff.

Middle aged trolls that hide behind an alias on escort review boards. Their purpose is to insult, defame and harm an adult entertainer’s reputation. Their misogynistic attitude is prevalent in their critically unflattering reviews and board posts.
...a bunch of old, fat slobbyists can't even get laid 4-pay have nothing better to do than use ECCIE to whine about others! misogynist board troll

NubianPrince, yes it was efredrick411.
. Originally Posted by MrVeritas
He's nutty
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
rtm the pm. The red triangle witht he exclamation mark inside.

It will come to the moderator section and we will deal with him/her/it from there.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The OP said it was an email, not a PM.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
The OP said it was an email, not a PM. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I mention as pm because many on the board consider ECCIE PMs & emails sent thru the board to be the same thing and have referred to them as emails.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-22-2017, 10:23 AM
We get PM's from members for all kind of different reasons, I usually read them and determine whether or not I want to believe what's being said.
Grace Preston's Avatar
We get PM's from members for all kind of different reasons, I usually read them and determine whether or not I want to believe what's being said. Originally Posted by BLM69
This. You wouldn't believe some of the rumors I've heard about myself over the years. Some are downright comical and others are agenda laden.

Best suggestion is have some discernment in regards to who is giving you the information and who the information is about. Some people give warnings with the best of intentions... and others do so based on an agenda-- good or bad.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. It was a PM, not an email. My bad on the terminology. Thanks for the advice, Admiral G. I have reported it.