Any info on her?

That honest to god looks like a girl I dated years ago, back in the mid 2000s with the same name, Ashley. ********** I remember one time she called me and was literally talking nonsense. At one point she said the ********* but she wouldn't tell me what it was. She would meet guys and tell them she was a virgin so they would have sex with her because she was trying to get pregnant. She tricked a few guys too. She has at least 3 kids now. She would also literally call other guys from her current guy's phone to set up an encounter with them (no money). That's how I found out what was going on because one guy called me back and told me the truth lol.

But whether or not that's same girl I don't know. I don't think so though because it says she's 38, and the person I'm talking about is a few years younger than that. We had almost the same birth date, and she would always call me or text me years after we stopped messing around to wish me happy birthday, that's why I know her age. She was definitely a nutcase though. But yeah, probably not the same person.
**** Edits The Dr
Ok, outside of all that, very confident the ad is fake.
bkfantasy's Avatar
Agree with Himzert. I'm pretty confident that if you book, the girl you might meet will not be the girl in the professionally done photos.
Thank you guys
lotta hits on Tineye for the first pic, so prob fake ad
lotta hits on Tineye for the first pic, so prob fake ad Originally Posted by fstforward

Just the background environment makes me think its not Pittsburgh area.