As Bob Woodward says: Obama created the sequestration cuts he is now so vigorously trying to blame the GOP for.........It was Obama's medicine, time America get a taste of Obama economics.

CHRIS WALLACE, "FOX NEWS SUNDAY" HOST: Bob, as the man who literally wrote the book about the budget battle, put this to rest. Whose idea was the sequester, and did you ever think that we'd actually get to this point?

BOB WOODWARD: First, it was the White House. It was Obama and Jack Lew and Rob Nabors who went to the Democratic Leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, and said, 'this is the solution.' But everyone has their fingerprints on this. (FOX News Sunday, February 17, 2013)

Let the cuts happen; and cut even more !

Cut Government Spending To The Bone !
JCM800's Avatar

Cut Government Spending To The Bone ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
sounds like something Ron Swanson would say
Obama is back on the "scare Americans" tour saying if his sequestration cuts (the very cuts he lobbied for) happen, then criminals will be roaming our streets and neighborhoods.....
Obama warns of dire sequester consequences,5234924.story
But the real story is that the sequester cuts aren't cuts and they certainly aren't draconian..................see the chart of spending with the sequester cuts !

Obama is using sequestration to promote more taxation - he wants to tax Americans even more; his war on American middle class continues.....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama is not just against the sequester cuts but he is "fighting" those same cuts that he demanded. Obama is the hero in his narrative and anyone who is against him is the villain just like the debt, just like the deficit, just like terrorism, just like gun control, just like George Zimmerman, just like an out of control justice system, just like finance reform, just like............(fill in the blank) Obama stand for nothing, has done nothing, but is fighting the good fight against everything. He has definitely studied Alinsky, Stalin, and Hitler. Even while you are raping someone they think you are their hero.

Obama is not just against the sequester cuts but he is "fighting" those same cuts that he demanded. Obama is the hero in his narrative and anyone who is against him is the villain just like the debt, just like the deficit, just like terrorism, just like gun control, just like George Zimmerman, just like an out of control justice system, just like finance reform, just like............(fill in the blank) Obama stand for nothing, has done nothing, but is fighting the good fight against everything. He has definitely studied Alinsky, Stalin, and Hitler. Even while you are raping someone they think you are their hero. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
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  • Seedy
  • 02-19-2013, 12:40 PM
Fuck that scumbag lying cocksucker, I hope the economy takes a major shit, and all you fucking libtards lose your ass. Unfortunately so will every one else. Fuck it, I am more than capable of growing, and catching my own food.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck that scumbag lying cocksucker, I hope the economy takes a major shit, and all you fucking libtards lose your ass. Unfortunately so will every one else. Fuck it, I am more than capable of growing, and catching my own food. Originally Posted by seedman55
Yeah, seedy, I'm pretty sure they left a few butterfly nets around your "house" when they took you away the last couple of times.

Got Lithium?
The only reason the President gets away with this shit is he has a willing Main Stream Media that are too busy kissing his ass and sucking his dick to dare say anything that might be detremental.

An honest media would expose the President as the pandering political hack he is.
watch this video as Obama defends sequestration cuts; then flip flops and calls them evil.....

It is amazing that the media doesn't hold his feet to the fire just over these opposing points of view....
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-19-2013, 04:38 PM
Yeah, seedy, I'm pretty sure they left a few butterfly nets around your "house" when they took you away the last couple of times.

Got Lithium? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nah, I don't need it. I keep myself in a straight jacket, and an unpadded room. Lol
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Yssup Rider's Avatar
watch this video as Obama defends sequestration cuts; then flip flops and calls them evil.....

It is amazing that the media doesn't hold his feet to the fire just over these opposing points of view.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hey, Whirlyturd, could you please post this blog post in several more threads?

I can't get enough of that Rightscoop stuff!

Ignore the FACTS JACK !

I know you want to ................