How do I upload some porn clips?

Can anyone tell me where is a good place to upload my porn clips that won't get taken down, that I can discreetly show my potential clients?

I don't wanna show the world... Just my potential clients!
highmiler's Avatar
You can use either Google drive or Dropbox to upload your videos to, then you can privately, selectively share access to each file to anyone via email link
Ooohh. Thank you. I'm technically & mathematically challenged for real! I don't even know how to make my signature line neat & nice where you just click on one for website, p411, etc. I digress. Moving on. Swapping of any kind sounds fun. Heh.
Raikage's Avatar
eroshare might offer some private options, I've personally been on the fence about you, whether I should break the bank or not, seeing more of your ass might help me make that decision lol
mrhappysf's Avatar is for porn videos and I'm pretty sure you can make them 'private'. Then people need a password to get access. is for porn videos and I'm pretty sure you can make them 'private'. Then people need a password to get access. Originally Posted by mrhappysf
knotty man's Avatar
I'm potentially a potential client who may potentially watch a porn vid you may potentially post.
But I'm potentially certain ill be jerkin the gerkin when I do.
txsun's Avatar
  • txsun
  • 06-07-2017, 02:18 AM
I would highly suggest

It allows you to upload videos quickly,anonymously, easily, and keeps them private.

Infamous One, I would love a notification when you do decide to post some clips up

General question though...does anyone know if there is a thread or list going about the providers that do have some porn clips that the ladies themselves have shared? I'd appreciate it
I'm potentially a potential client who may potentially watch a porn vid you may potentially post.
But I'm potentially certain ill be jerkin the gerkin when I do. Originally Posted by knotty man
One word, Knotty. Jjjjjjifffff! jerkin the jiff.
I don't wanna show the world... Just my potential clients! Originally Posted by The Infamous One
Send me an IM with a link when you get it set up. I've already sent you a PM earlier. I'm also savvy on the internet if you need technical assistance.
Tequila Rose's Avatar
Might see if any of these sites have an added protection of not allowing the video to be downloaded by viewers.
scsholar's Avatar
When you finish posting them, how about a PM for the link ��
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-08-2017, 07:16 PM
I don't wanna show the world... Just my potential clients! Originally Posted by The Infamous One
If you post it anywhere, one of your potential clients could repost it publicly on pornhub or share the link on social media...

If it's online, assume it's public and there forever....
