Dating a provider?

txsun's Avatar
  • txsun
  • 06-13-2017, 10:07 PM
I was thinking of doing so soon and would want to make sure I don't get involved in something that would possibly be weird. Would you be okay with the lady you dated being an escort?
Britttany_love's Avatar
Originally Posted by Britttany_love
That's priceless, Brittany. We have been warned!
Whispers's Avatar
I was thinking of doing so soon and would want to make sure I don't get involved in something that would possibly be weird. Would you be okay with the lady you dated being an escort? Originally Posted by txsun

You need to ask? Why not... Go for it..... Maybe YOU will be the one that makes it work.....

Forget the recent stories of lost career, public outings adn financial ruin....

That was them... YOU can be different and the one that makes it work....

Just be sure to keep us filled in....
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-14-2017, 12:42 AM
Lol. Try it before you buy it
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Dating? Yew mean laik ray-dee-oh-active carbon 14 dating so yew kin git an accur'at measur'ment uv 'er age?
Stewie griffen's Avatar
What could possibly go wrong?
"Hmmm, my life doesn't have nearly enough drama in it. Wonder what I could do to change that?"
At least you won't have to worry about if she's cheating on you.
nuglet's Avatar
Believe it or not, that's more up to her than you. I know some that it works for, and more that it didn't work for, but what the hell, follow your heart, just be sure it's not on your sleeve. Enjoy the life you lead and good luck to ya.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Make sure everything is in the open and boundaries are set that you can both live with.
Don't expect her to give up hobbying for you and only give up the hobby if it is your choice, not hers.
If you can't agree up front or it's making the other person give up what they want to do, it won't work.

Can you live with what she does for a living? Does she accept that you are a hobbyist and will continue hobbying? Would you be willing to be her sugar daddy if you want her to leave the hobby?

This is a rocky slope and most times might be fun for a while, but doubtful that it will last.
Whispers's Avatar
........... Would you be willing to be her sugar daddy if you want her to leave the hobby? ......... Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
This is why whores make for lousy relationship prospects.....

This kind of mindset.......A guy has to be a "Sugar Daddy" for a whore to leave the hobby for a real relationship?

they NEVER quit thinking about the money and how easy it was to make..... NEVER......

Anything they EVER want in the future is just a matter of turning a trick or two and can NEVER be trusted not to.

there are lots of different careers people might be in that are not conducive to a relationship with someone else...... Where real desires and emotional needs exist the immediate train of thought is NOT that someone needs to be supported to make a change.... This is the entitlement that pervades a whores thoughts.....
AustinRose's Avatar
Y'all have hilariously little faith in people. If both parties are okay with an open relationship and there's productive communication happening, why wouldn't things work?
It takes a strong (emotionally) man and a perceptive caring lady...and as stated before Open communication...I think reasonable expectations of eachother is also important
playingnthedark's Avatar
I date them all the time. The relationship usually don't last long. HH or Hr, Ive cum to realize it was fun while it lasted.