Deepest thanks to the ATX!

I have been thoroughly entertained by the vitriol, irony, and humor on your boards, particularly Coed.

I'm bored as shit down 210 way right now as I wait on plumbing permits for the development my partners and I are working on. It's never welcome but it happens sometimes in construction, usually at the worst times.

Your sublime assholery has really helped me kill some time and for that I thank you!

Now I'm not picking sides because I really don't give a rat's ass about the politics and informing my opinion would involve researching shit back to like 1990.

Keep doing what you're doing you lovable Filthy Shitheads (a term of endearment that I picked up from the venerable LBJ - who was a world class cusser, perhaps history's finest)!

Don't ever change!

Peace, Love, and #BHILF
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
LMAO....sublime assholery yup that does describe some