Just a lucky guy!

What a day yesterday was. I received three, yes three, urgent texts from "friends" about phones about to be turned off because of unpaid bills, late rent payments and that sort of thing. Money upfront was only to be a loan, of course!

I know you are all jealous of my sudden popularity!
pittlicker's Avatar
What a great friend you are!! Perhaps I could discuss some investment opportunities with you.
  • ron32
  • 05-12-2017, 06:44 AM
Wow, and its not the first of the month either. Must be popular, lol.

Wonder if your group of friends are all using the same script? A few years ago a bunch of WCCC nursing students that were on a sugar site were all doing that. Same story with a few twists - my SUV needs fixed. All were different women as I had phone conversations with them. Hilarious. Just moved on to the next girls in line.
No money sent, of course. But hadn't thought of possibility that they could all be operating "in cahoots"!
  • ron32
  • 05-12-2017, 05:25 PM
If you have the time, and the right info on a gal, do your FB research. On quite a few of them you will see familiar faces of other women from SA, BP, etc.. in there as their FB friends.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
lol i'll be damned.
Had one I've been talking to text me last night. She was "robbed" leaving the bank and could I get 500 to her so she could make rent. They'll never figure out that's the biggest turn off for guys. Asked her to contact you, Don.
  • ron32
  • 05-13-2017, 07:28 AM
Robbed leaving the bank... thats a good one too.
loneshark's Avatar
What a day yesterday was. I received three, yes three, urgent texts from "friends" about phones about to be turned off because of unpaid bills, late rent payments and that sort of thing. Money upfront was only to be a loan, of course!

I know you are all jealous of my sudden popularity! Originally Posted by Don Stephens
Understanding the real meaning of the car is broke the phone is dead or please help me.

I think myself and a lot of others have concluded the first time meeting is usually the best.

Then it becomes a chore for them and we lose interest also.

When you are hit up by a friend what it really means most of the time is you're a john or mark and nothing else to them. They could care less if you get mad about them asking for money for nothing and they are willing to lose you as a friend they have decided to play you for money over seeing you for sex.
Got scammed by one that I had drilled a few times before but she got me for money for the broke car thing. Called me the other day claiming she didn't scam me she was just in a terrible accident and her leg was shattered and she was in a wheel chair and just got her phone back. Told me she was homeless and really needed a place to stay. No dice. Strange, she was on SA 3 days earlier. I guess she was going to suck off guys out of her wheel chair. I had previously reported her to the fucktards at SA but she's still on there. Funny how they go out of their way to protect non paying drug addicted scam artists.
I could use little something for my phone bill.
I don't even know Spazz personally, but look how he is going out of his way to refer hotties to me!