Does anyone have a smart phone??? ASAP!!!!

KittyLamour's Avatar
I swear, if it wasn't for bad luck...I'd have no luck at all...

This morning at about 8am I had been with my friend Cookie to eat breakfast and go to the Dollar General. Afterwards she dropped me and headed home. As I was fumbling with the lock a man came out of the laundry room next door. Suddenly he had my throat in a vice grip and a knife in my side. He told me to shut up and get inside.

Once inside he get's both hands around my neck and proceeds to choke me harder than before... Somehow I managed to stay alive.

I called the police and they quickly arrived. They asked me many many questions and dusted the whole place for fingerprints They were pretty confident that they had gotten several good prints and told me that he will be charged with Aggravated Robbery and aggravated rape. He stole both my cell phones and what little amount of money I had managed to save to put a down payment on a car with. He also stole my dignity and my confidence.

He was a complete and total stranger.

I need help... Does anyone have a Sprint or AT&T smart phone? (No iPhones please) I would be pleased to work out a trade with you for it... Unfortunately At the moment I can't buy it from you. Please consider helping me out with it... I am unable to function at all with no phone. There is no way I can sustain hope that i will get past this unless I find a way to get a phone.

I live in a hotel. Due to the horrible string of misfortune I've had lately which completely blows my mind when I think of it....I have been unable to save hardly any money and with a hotel eating up what money you do make it becomes a trap and I for the life of me cannot get out.

I guess what I am trying to say is: I am pretty f'd up mentally and physically and could use a couple days off but I have no way to pay for a room or even buy a hamburger at McDonald's. If you find it in your hert to help a provider who could really use a hug and a break please help. If anyone has a spare room they could share/lease out to a quiet, clean and respectful lady, please think about it. I do not need to be alone right now at all. Any help at all would do wonders to lift my spirits because at the moment I truly feel like a mistake who should have never been born at all.

Broken-Hearted & All Alone

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Kitty, the last thing you need right now is a smartphone. If anything, please log off from whoever's laptop you are using and find a safe place somewhere to call the authorities or to call a crisis line if you having thoughts of suicide.

Link for mental health centers (They have crisis lines and will see you immediately wherever you are):

You and I are both providers and personally, no amount of money will be you happiness. If you are not having any lucrative success in this business, consider retiring completely. I mentioned this to you earlier and I'm not sure if you saw this, but there is a special program for ex-strippers/escorts in east dallas.

The organization is called "restored hope ministries" and it is ran by Ex-convict Sam Pollinzi. Please contact them, I'm sure they can help you out more than I can.

Stop providing.
Stop living in a hotel.
Stop being open to such violence.

Let go of this whole profession and let God in for about five minutes.

Good luck and I'm praying for you.
-Brown Sugar Baby
If you find this thread to be funny and can do nothing other but post negative remarks, listen to "Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Collins.

While a lot of us hobbyists and providers are able to read, posts, and talk about things here on ECCIE, there are some people who living some less-fortunate lives behind their keyboards.

Some people really are suffering out here in this world.


-Brown Sugar Baby
Please, just stop.
Go to a shelter. They will help you. Leave this lifestyle behind you.
All this bad luck should be telling you something
You are constantly in a state of needing help/not having a pot to piss in.
Why would you even want to provide after you've just been raped and knocked the fuck out?
Just walk away and get help.