Is it possible for extras at night?

At any club?
dallasfan's Avatar
Which clubs? Does CL still have that fat guy with the glasses breaking up the fun?
RandomAccount's Avatar
It probably depends on the club. I haven’t had luck cause the clubs usually get more packed as the day goes on. It’s kind of known that girls working early/day shift are much more likely to give extras since it’s not too busy and the security hasn’t shown up.
Dude go at 500pm when the shift change takes place.
billw1032's Avatar
Avoid Friday or Saturday night, especially after 9:00PM. Too crowded.
Randy365's Avatar
It is absolutely possible, any day of the week. You just have to have your game in order. I've gotten extras at BDD many times during night shifts.
Which clubs? Does CL still have that fat guy with the glasses breaking up the fun? Originally Posted by Handsome Nashville
He’s still there once in a while. I saw him a couple of weeks ago.

He’s actually a pretty cool guy. We shared some stories over a beer one afternoon. Said he likes watching a full rotation or two of the ladies before he chooses someone to play with.

He’s never caused a problem when I’ve been up there having fun.
He’s still there once in a while. I saw him a couple of weeks ago.

He’s actually a pretty cool guy. We shared some stories over a beer one afternoon. Said he likes watching a full rotation or two of the ladies before he chooses someone to play with.

He’s never caused a problem when I’ve been up there having fun. Originally Posted by Bigbronco
Are you talking about the manager? Big fat white guy with glasses.
No this is just a guy that hangs out upstairs sometimes.
Im a big guy with glasses. I dont work there. I just like to keep the girls without money til i make my move

Actually i have had good success about the time day shift ends and girls have not had good day