Need help with a survey

funtimesforme's Avatar
people say that a woman's pussy lips and face lips are similar ladys can you post pics of both so we can find out if this is true or not
DentBick's Avatar
This is not true.

You're welcome.

But show us your pussy lips anyway.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Op you're a fucking idiot.
snowbunni's Avatar
Why not just have sex with as many girls as you can and test it out yourself haha
tiatate's Avatar
Is this the hobbyist version of a threAD?

Either way, hilarious way to go about it.
DocHolyday's Avatar
OP, you got NO game.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
OP what your asking is kind like this
Does a Guy's feet or hands match his dick size ?
Op you're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Op you're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
I just love your way with words. I literally laughed out loud!