Reviews of the Managed

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-23-2010, 11:18 AM
Is there a difference between a woman who works for an agency and one who is managed? Shouldn't the reviews of the managed women be in the Agency forum? Or do the placement of the review determined by how the woman is marketed (e.g., openly admits she works for an agency)?
How could you tell the difference?
Jasinda's Avatar
Also, how would you prove it?
LazurusLong's Avatar
Does it really matter?

Good service is good service.

Shitty is as shitty does.

Honest reviews, whether "indy", agency, studio, SW or whatever the hell way you found her, post an honest review and who really gives a crap how her business is structured.

Maybe we need to split the INdy section into GFE/Non GFE or how about based on race? NOT!
Namssa's Avatar
How could you tell the difference? Originally Posted by Dharma

Duh - he has xray vision.
what was I thinking?
Managed? U mean like a pimp?

Just wanting clarification...LMAO I would put the name I came up with the section for reviews for that category except it is offensive.

I like what Lazurus brings up about good being good and crappy being crappy...and we definitely have just the right amount of categories and don't need any of the new ones he jokingly interjected!

Back to my original thought...if by managed you mean a pimp I am thinking that is not technically an agency When I think of agency I think the agency promotes the provider and handles all the "secretarial" behind the scenes stuff efficiently/proficiently.

If there is some other sort of management I am forgetting about, I would think if it is not an actual entity out in the public view stating it is an agency or management company that is promoting said providers then no, they are not an agency, and the ladies in question are Indy.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I don't see that happening but it's interesting. I doubt that many ladies whether they are "managed" or not would want their reviews there.
I can see it now...

Independent Provider Reviews-Dallas

Agency Reviews-Dallas

Managed by Pimps Reviews-Dallas
LazurusLong's Avatar

So where do the pimped studio, pimped agency, or pimped street walker girls get reviewed?

What happens if they leave a pimp, go indy for a bit then go to another one?

What happens when a pimp gets capped? ala Cappo a few years back, do those girls then get reviewed in the Indy forum until the will is read and the next in line picks up the stable?

SO confusing...
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-23-2010, 07:38 PM
How could you tell the difference? Originally Posted by Dharma
If a review mention's so-so is someone's girl in the header, how is that provider different than one who works at an agency?
Honest reviews, whether "indy", agency, studio, SW or whatever the hell way you found her, post an honest review and who really gives a crap how her business is structured. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Why have different review sections if the reviewers have no desire to use them accordingly?
Back to my original thought...if by managed you mean a pimp I am thinking that is not technically an agency When I think of agency I think the agency promotes the provider and handles all the "secretarial" behind the scenes stuff efficiently/proficiently. Originally Posted by Marla
Who does the screening of the managed providers, the manager or the women themselves? If I wish to see other providers from the same agency, the screening has previously been done.
TheWanderer's Avatar

So where do the pimped studio, pimped agency, or pimped street walker girls get reviewed?

What happens if they leave a pimp, go indy for a bit then go to another one?

What happens when a pimp gets capped? ala Cappo a few years back, do those girls then get reviewed in the Indy forum until the will is read and the next in line picks up the stable?

SO confusing... Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Lazurus, Those are good questions. I wish I knew how to get answers to those. Unfortunately, that world consists of lies, deception, manipulation, slavery and almost every bad adjective that has ever been applied to the human race. I don't how anyone could ever get the truth.
The number of girls that have a background manager of some sort would amaze all of us....I speak from experience here as I have recently learned something I did not want to know.
Keeps them broke and keeps them working....sad really.
The questions people are asking are really insightful. Dividing reviews into "managed" and "indy" sounds impossible.

Besides, it doesn't appear that most people care from what I've read, not any more strongly anyway than those who care about real breasts vs. man-made; or mature vs. young; or Mid-Cities vs. Dallas. We aren't going to subdivide all of those groups.

Many of the comments already made would apply again~ ladies with man-mades claiming they're natural; ladies with a Dallas incall moving to the MidCities some weeks; ladies reviewed as "young" reaching the cut-off birthday into "mature" etc.
  • T-Can
  • 07-24-2010, 07:25 AM
S-man, were you talking about someone like this:
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 07-24-2010, 07:48 AM
...Inevitably, ANY discussion about "management" is going to deteriorate into a comarision of what most people define as a "Pimp" as opposed to a Scheduler or Handler...MANY providers have either a scheduler/screener OR another provider that they work with...Usually one provider has more experience and therefore may do ads, schedule, etc....
One of my Fav BR gals shares an incall with 2 or 3 other gals, one of which pays for apt and water snacks for said apt...Does that make her a PIMP?
Bottom line is this, while there are several Truly and completely INDY gals on here, many others have MGMT partners, etc...VERY FEW have what most traditional definitions of a PIMP may be....ANY sighting of ANY character that poses DANGER or even a possible COMPLICATION for a Hobbyist should be reported and taken to heed by ALL of us....INCLUDING BF, etc....

IMHO, disussions on who is ACTUALLY working for a PIMP...are a waste of time when they go beyond simply warning of possible COMPLICATION for the hobbyist...

In short, RESEARCH the HEEELLLLL out of a gal, especially if she's new...and make an informed decision...

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-24-2010, 04:05 PM
S-man, were you talking about someone like this: Originally Posted by CanDo01
No, I was referring to certain indy reviews: