Why Do Guys Prefer Independent Girls to Agency Girls?

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Hi all,

It's me Morgan. I have noticed in my few years as a provider that guys here in Dallas really do not care for agencies. They prefer indy girls. I want to know why.

We independent providers take a lot of liberties. We don't have anyone to answer to. It seems like agency girls would be more reliable and professional. What do ya'll think? Thanks!!

Red Tex's Avatar
There have only been a couple of reliable agencies on the board. It seems to me that pimps run the ones in the phone books and classifieds.

I do prefer agencies, especially Private Connections. You can see what is availible and when. One does not have to plan ahead.
LazurusLong's Avatar
My own biggest concern?

And this is even when a girl has someone else (an unknown) screening and booking for them.

IF the person I'm about to get naked with is not doing her own screening but rather someone who is only getting paid, that person who is only getting paid is not the one who will be getting arrested if the screener screws up and lets a cop through the screener. I personally feel that it gives the provider who has a screener, especially a screener like in the past where dirtbag guys have skirted through, a false sense of security when it comes to clients.

I also want the person with my screening information to be the one naked in the room with me, not someplace else collecting it.

It is why an agency such as PC that has been around so long or now, P411, is the best thing since sliced bread in the hobby. yes, they may not be foolproof or 100% guaranteed, but they are certainly better than what has been around in the past.

EDIT TO COMMENT after I read TGO's post.

Yes, the blowing up the phone issue also. Some agencies will call when there is 15 minutes left then 10, then 5 and then ring again and again and again. REAL pain the ass.
No middle man. Direct contact....I think
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Most agencies call the lady when the hour is up. That was always in the back of my mind and was a bit of a distraction. I know they do so to make sure the girl is okay, but an irritation for me nonetheless.

I have to say Gina at Private Connections runs a good shop though. Along with Elliott Bay in Seattle probably one of the best in the country.
TinMan's Avatar
Most agencies call the lady when the hour is up. That was always in the back of my mind and was a bit of a distraction. I know they do so to make sure the girl is okay, but an irritation for me nonetheless. Originally Posted by TheGiftedOne
Same here. On the woman's side, not having to share the $$ would be the main motivation. If she keeps more of the cash, and I get to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere, it's a win-win.

We're fortunate that Dallas seems to be an easier market for an indy to make a living. Don't know why, but I think both sides benefit.
daty/o's Avatar
I'm self employed, as well. I think people who are solely responsible for their livlihood are more apt to be customer service oriented. I also feel that there are already too many people with their hands out for a piece of the money that I make.
Agency/ PIMPS by any other name, studio/Brothel by any other name, too much management too many girls not there because they want to be.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Why pay two (or more) people when only one person is doing any real work? In some businesses you can't avoid this, but in this one you definitely can.
RoDunn's Avatar
I like both. For me, it's all about the lady. If she's a great provider, I don't care if she's Indy or works for an agency. One benefit of a good agency is the convenience. When I suddenly get the urge in the evening, it's usually easier to reach an agency to see whether or not they have someone available who I want to see.

But it has to be a really good agency. I've been a client of several great ones over the years and they took good care of me.

When you get the urgeI get the urge
  • T-Can
  • 07-24-2010, 09:19 AM
Legit agencies seemed to be overpriced because of the agency's cut.

I was down in Austin and called an agency - I paid $$$$ for something I could have paid for $$.
smiley's Avatar
I try to not to start my posts with "It depends", but it really does in this case. There are great, reputable agencies such as Private Connection, and studios such as Southern Comfort, but in general, I don't like agencies because of the quirky rules which can seriously diminish the illusion of passion between customer and provider. It's like having a chapperone.

I've had an agency make 3 phone calls to the provider during a session to make sure I had already paid, that everything was going okay, and then another one to say that the time was up. When were in the middle of 69, I suggested she let the call go to voicemail, but she told me she wasn't "allowed" to let it go to voicemail. Independent providers have more discretion about how they handle their business.

Also, when you call some random agency like "College Cuties" in the yellow pages, there's no accountability for the performance of the provider that shows up. Aside from a description by the agency, you don't know if you are going to get someone that's seen 5 other customers that day, and really doesn't have her heart in it, or someone who makes you believe she is really happy to see you. Because the providers don't care about branding their own names, I find they are more likely to provide ho-hum service.

Years ago, all we had were the agencies in yellow pages, and free weekly magazines. ASPD and ECCIE have made it so much easier and safer to pair providers and their faithful customers. Other than scheduling, I don't see the benefit of an agency.
Independents seem to be more open to MSOG. I found Agency girls to be more of clock-watchers.