Nawty Natalie's Extra Nawty New Pics

nawtynatalie's Avatar
PoppyToyota's Avatar
You're supposed to post ads in one of the 3 ads sections listed.
LazurusLong's Avatar
You're supposed to post ads in one of the 3 ads sections listed. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
Or have one of your white knights create a thread for you talking about how nice the new pictures look. Maybe try changing hair color and having a regular post about it for you.

That worked well recently.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-25-2010, 02:46 PM
Baby, I know youre new so I will explain this to made this
look like an ad, if you want to show off your new pictures please
put them in your showcase or your next ad.....remember this forum
is for coed discussion....not self promotion....fawn
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
Nice pictures, I have the same shorts.

Si, por favor I need more beer. Whats with those reverse upside down question marks?

Please see Fawn's comments above - this forum is for discussions, not posting new pictures.

Please take the time to review the forum rules at the top of the page and the threads in the forum to see what the discussion topics consist of.
