...if it were legal...

Some hobby friends and I were discussing this the other day.

The topic was,,,
how would the hobby be different if it were legal...

after bouncing it around for awhile,
we reached the conclusion, that very little if anything would change.

True, the fear of being arrested by LE would be gone, but...

There would still be screening, disease cotrol, rip-offs, drama, unruly clients, and we would still all have to live the double-life associated with the lifestyle.

Your take on this?


Politicians are like male genitals; they are dicks, and they have nuts working for them.
lionheart's Avatar
I think the quality and quantity of information would be better...reason being that (I'm assuming) many of the lurkers on here choose not to contribute for fear of the legal ramifications of getting caught.
Int3rested's Avatar
A new segment of the market would appear, regulated, taxed and political...all else would stay the same...
flexywun's Avatar
the side effect of legalizing the hobby would be more regulation, taxes, etc.
my guess would be anything bare would not be allowed (BBBJ). licensing would drive up the cost for the ladies (and the guys). and if you think they tax cigarettes, can you imagine how much they would tax eh, sex?
yaddayadda's Avatar
If you would like to know how badly the government can screw up anything (including screwing) just go visit Australia. Sexual service is legal there and its about as much fun as going to the dentist. The business is so regulated that between the health inspections, antiseptics, female condoms, male condoms.....etc...etc...the cost is rather high, about 350 U.S. for basic service, CBJ and mish. Some places, the high enders, are about 1,000 bucks.
Dallas is the "golden age" for the hobbiest. Enjoy while you can.
It's legal in Nevada and the atmosphere in the brothels reminds me of an auto parts shop (Whaddya lookin' for? "New? Vintage? Import?). I think the Hobbyists in Dallas are better off re quality, beauty, variety and talent.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
I think if it was legal Things would be different, First I realize men hobby for variety and the thrill of Not getting caught but deep down most men hobby because they are missing something at home.

Like not getting as much, variety and excitement, trying new are different things, and with that being said I think most women would wise up and wake up to the fact that they husband can go down the road and get what he wants for a price if it was legal.

I think deep down most women and I hope the providers chime in here on this is most women don't think they husbands know how to are were to go get some strange, are would stoup to going to a street walker as shown on TV.

I think if more women knew how easy it is and how nice looking and acting the providers are here most would pull they head out of they ass and wise up.

If you took a poll on women married and single and asked them about prostitution in the DFW area 99 % would tell you about bad looking, no teeth, dirty, riped clothes, streetwalkers with a big burly pimp standing behind them sell that stinky pussy, and that they husband would never touch anything like that, And that is true.

I'm just glad they don't know about the fine ladies here.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 07-26-2010, 02:04 PM
...There would still be screening, disease cotrol, rip-offs, drama, unruly clients, and we would still all have to live the double-life associated with the lifestyle.... Originally Posted by Garland_Bone
Don't forget the occasional urinary infection.
Travelmind's Avatar
I agree with the post that don't think much would change. If it was legal across the country maybe more providers would enter the market thus giving hobbiest more choices of time component. I for one would love to be able to enjoy dinner, concert, and then GFE a couple times a month for more reasonable rates.
My opinion? It would still be a hidden sector of society. I love doing this and meeting some of the people that I have come across. That being said, I have no desire to have anyone that I know find out about what I do in this hobby!

The general public has this idea that all of the girls in this business are forced into it and are alcoholics and drug addicts. That is obviously untrue in many cases but that is the connotation that this business has for some people.

I just really don't think much would change.
It's been legal in much of Europe for a very long time. There are houses in most of the small villages and even larger venues in the big cities. Where I spent 2 years in Germany we had 2 houses outside of the gates, in a town of 5,000. Of course they catered to GI's a bit... but still had a healthy local business going.

Prices were, for the time, about comparable. I don't know if the ladies would make more or less. Sure, they would make less per session, but they might have more sessions, and things would equalize out. Nice thing about it being legal was the only thing you had to worry about was the missus finding out. The girls were clean and screened regularly, paid their taxes, no pimps, and everything was on the up-and-up.
if it were legal, there would be more protection for the girls. think about it.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
My opinion? It would still be a hidden sector of society. I love doing this and meeting some of the people that I have come across. That being said, I have no desire to have anyone that I know find out about what I do in this hobby!

The general public has this idea that all of the girls in this business are forced into it and are alcoholics and drug addicts. That is obviously untrue in many cases but that is the connotation that this business has for some people.

I just really don't think much would change. Originally Posted by Avery Blake
What you said...

Legalization would make things safer but it would still be something that has a social stigma attached to it. I have one friend back east who knows what I do... and he would do it too if he lived in this area. Otherwise I am not telling anyone anything.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
It would likely result in a 600 page government document outlining what you can and cannot do...