Should high profile clients request NDAs?

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 09-22-2010, 01:47 PM
Too bad $10k didn't include NDA (non-disclosure agreement).
Call girl Irma Nici claims to have bent it with Beckham five times in 2007.
ferdburf's Avatar
And what kind of recourse do you envision a high-profile client having should the provider spill the beans after having signed the NDA? It's not like he can sue her for damages and recover adequate compensation, in most cases.
What ferdburf said. Also, my legal name and Carrie Hancock ain't going near anything like that. Not worth the risk to me either!

(hee hee hee I said HanCOCK )
Actualy, he probably could sue. Would depend on what exactly the NDA covered and how it was written. EX: if you ever tell anyone we met, you have to pay me $100,000. She could not reveil they had sex without violating the agreement. And the agreement is for something completly legal, so its valid.
pyramider's Avatar
Just try to enforce it. A contract for an illegal act would be null and void.
ferdburf's Avatar
Actualy, he probably could sue. Would depend on what exactly the NDA covered and how it was written. EX: if you ever tell anyone we met, you have to pay me $100,000. She could not reveil they had sex without violating the agreement. And the agreement is for something completly legal, so its valid. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
There's no doubt he could sue. But even if he won, and received a judgment, how money providers do you know who have $100K in a bank account to satisfy that judgment? It does, however, leave the high-profile fella with a very pretty judgment to hang on his wall (maybe he can even show it to the press as they're interviewing him).
Well, I just picked a number out of the air, but any real property can be flagged for either out right sizure or with a lean (real estate, cars) so if it is sold, the claim holder gets any money from the sell before she would. And in this case of a HDH odds are her money is somewhere in something. Cannot walk around with it all in your purse.
CoHorn's Avatar
(hee hee hee I said HanCOCK ) Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
That was your han? I knew it was somebodies!

I will sign anything put in front of me. It might be signed as Mike Hunt or something like that, but I will sign it.
friendlyguy77's Avatar
Well, I just picked a number out of the air, but any real property can be flagged for either out right sizure or with a lean (real estate, cars) so if it is sold, the claim holder gets any money from the sell before she would. And in this case of a HDH odds are her money is somewhere in something. Cannot walk around with it all in your purse. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
What pyramider said. Contracts for illegal acts are void. That's why drug dealers are so violent. When stuff goes wrong they can't just go to the People's Court. They have to kill each other.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Times have changed and it's gotta be rough for celebrity athletes and rock stars, not to mention politicians.
They are probably getting laid less than the rest of us.
What pyramider said. Contracts for illegal acts are void. That's why drug dealers are so violent. When stuff goes wrong they can't just go to the People's Court. They have to kill each other. Originally Posted by friendlyguy77
Read my first post. Its not hard to word an NDA so its legal. My example was to word the NDA about ever meeting, not about sex. That way, she cannot mention the sex without saying they met. Breach of contract would be for saying they had met. Legal act so contract is proper. I am sure a smart lawyer could come up with any number of legal things that could be used to cover things.
  • PT4ME
  • 09-23-2010, 11:30 AM
The NDA is all well and good, even if one could collect, I doubt it would never "unring" the publicity bell, or repair the damage done to your personal life and reputation. I'm not sure a dollar value can be placed on any of those.....

seventonine's Avatar
What person is going to pay her for anything now regardless of whether her encounter with Beck was true or not? The thought in the back of your head has to be, will she out me too?

It seems she got the attention she was seeking and will probably parlay that by selling her photos and/or story to a rag. Who knows, maybe she'll show up in Star, Sun, or some other reputable mag sporting "beck's supposed love child".
The NDA is all well and good, even if one could collect, I doubt it would never "unring" the publicity bell, or repair the damage done to your personal life and reputation. I'm not sure a dollar value can be placed on any of those.....

-PT- Originally Posted by PT4ME
There is always that. I guess part of the idea is to make her think about it. That it had better really be worth while before opening her mouth
TexTushHog's Avatar
Well, I just picked a number out of the air, but any real property can be flagged for either out right sizure or with a lean (real estate, cars) so if it is sold, the claim holder gets any money from the sell before she would. And in this case of a HDH odds are her money is somewhere in something. Cannot walk around with it all in your purse. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
You're not familiar with exemption statutes are you? Loot at Article 5 of the Texas Property Code to see the things that are exempt from execution from those who hold a judgment.