Rebecca Rhode me All Night Long

I am not a member to this site but have been brought here by a somewhat false review. I want everyone who reads this to know the truth. I am on another site. I am appealing to a different class of gentleman. It is a dating site. Any how, long thread short this guest2820 has apparently lied about services received so that he can become a credited member here. Let me correct his review by saying. I did go to the movies with this guy. That was literally it!! all no finger fucking no other two dates. I do not stripper slide, I do not do Greek. No sex, as he was wanting to know what he could get for free well... hell I went to the movies for free. I provided absolutely no services to him what so ever. I think its a Shame that I was kind enough to accompany him to the movies and get this filth spread about me now my phone wont stop ringing and my emails are going nuts. I prefer if a person is going to write a review about me please @ least just be honest. If you are interested in me or this person who is making false reviews here is the link enjoy
LazurusLong's Avatar

Check this Fort Worth Weekly ESCORT ad:

http://EroticEncounter.Net Is apparently posting ads disclosing your phone number. To see the number, you have to select and highlight the huge white space.

That site IS an escort site so if you are an escort, that says you are most likely engaged in the P4P world and maybe the review is someone you think is that handle but may be someone you did in fact do more with.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
I went and looked at the review he did and the only thing that glared big red letters to me was.... 5 HOURS but only ONE was BCD so he only paid 200. WTF is that about? Guys that is the worst possible thing you can do to us in a review (and you. Why would any of us book with you knowing you have done that and openly admit it?) If we are kind enough or maybe like you enough to just give you our precious time (trust me, a 5 hour block is worth a hell of a lot more money to me than 200 and I don't even have sex for a living) how dare you come on a review site and brag about something that was very likely special to just you. We can't do things like that for everyone (well almost no one) But if a review says that, then all the boys think we will. It can cause problem after problem. The other boys think we don't like them as much, or (just insert male thought here.) (MC, I know you have been around awhile but this is a good lesson for you. Remember we can't all read the BCD comments and maybe this is something you two discussed before hand. I don't know, but what I see is you did take advantage of her. It would be better for you to mention something about why you only compensated her a meager amount or the masses will draw their own conclusions. Just a thought sugar.

I've had similar problems with people over exaggerating my session times. Yes they last about 75 min for an hour booked but damn there has been alot of people pushing that as far as they can. If we can give you something extra, then just be pleased in your heart that it was you that received it and keep it to yourself (and you will more than likely receive more in the future.) However, I can promise you that when I catch someone bragging about how much free time they got out of me, I will never see them again.... and in this case, it's very much "your" loss.

This lady, like myself, seems to enjoy time spent with people but guys like this just ruin it for everyone else. Guys please don't always assume that just because a review says she will just give you a ton of time for free that she actually will. Please. I'm damn good at my job and I (this side of always) have pretty full days. When you all push and push, it throws off my whole day. I'm assuming this poor girl has experienced the same thing.

I'm growing more and more concerned about the direction we are headed right now. are we sure the crapbama admin isn't incharge of this community?

I don't post retirement or vacation threads beacuse I don't really feel it's anyone business what I choose to do, but if anyone is wondering why I haven't been around... This is a good start. From the providers point of view, you guys are really heading down hill. I feel a slight cringe when someone says they found me here. It seems to always accompany such a pain in the ass. Lurkers... I love you. It seems to be only the guys not out to make a name for themselves with anyone but the ones that have the pussy. You others all need to understand that it stands out and you're really not fooling anyone when you post reviews like that. Don't screw up a good thing.

To the OP, If you'd like any advice or how to handle things as they come please feel free to ask me or any other provider that has been successful for the last few years at least (but never expose your heart or secrets to anyone in the hobby.) Just be aware that if you dabble in the P4P at ANY level, you have every level to deal with. It can be a little over whelming. You are not alone and there is help and many shoulders.

I have a friend... the best friend I've ever had tell me more times than I can count to guard my heart and protect that which is important. To never forget that every single word I post or say to another, has far reaching consequences. I still haven't been able wrap my brain around that at times, but I've learned it enough to share it with you. <-that may seem off topic, but for the one that should read it, it has served it's purpose.
needingmilking's Avatar
Well, IMHO, If the lady says she is not providing, then she is not providing.

Perhaps they had a good time, and for some reason money found its way around, maybe he forgot his wallet in the car and she paid the meal and hotel, he was just paying back... who knows...And maybe they were having such a good time it just flew!

Still, great read. I enjoyed reading and I wish I had such a good time with a lovely lady like her. And if she lends me money I would pay her back as well.

(trust me, a 5 hour block is worth a hell of a lot more money to me than 200 and I don't even have sex for a living) Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
but... in your website you offer FBSMTMBBBJTCCIMNSNQ+-PM.... maybe I need to update my acronyms list?

Just saying...
FYI, Kayla...............

SHE told me how much time we could spend together and SHE quoted the donation price to me.

We had a good time and had fun. Besides, she is not a provider in the escort sense, or I would have posted my review in the Indy section.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Well, IMHO, If the lady says she is not providing, then she is not providing. Originally Posted by needingmilking
I don't care if a woman calls herself an entertainer, a stripper, a body rub girl, an RMT who does L1 or a provider, or even the most hilarious, a Sugar baby, it is all the same thing.

The moment you accept cash from someone, no matter how much of how little time you spend not fucking, you fall under the state's penal code for prostitution.

If your girlfriend you've been dating for 6 months stops giving you head (a sexual act) until you compensate her with a pair of nice diamond earrings, that would never be prosecuted, but actually falls under the statue. If that statement is wrong, I hope a criminal defense attorney can correct me and show how it would NOT be prostitution.

I've heard many times that marriage to some is little more than legalized prostitution.......
I don't care if a woman calls herself an entertainer, a stripper, a body rub girl, an RMT who does L1 or a provider, or even the most hilarious, a Sugar baby, it is all the same thing.

The moment you accept cash from someone, no matter how much of how little time you spend not fucking, you fall under the state's penal code for prostitution.

If your girlfriend you've been dating for 6 months stops giving you head (a sexual act) until you compensate her with a pair of nice diamond earrings, that would never be prosecuted, but actually falls under the statue. If that statement is wrong, I hope a criminal defense attorney can correct me and show how it would NOT be prostitution.

I've heard many times that marriage to some is little more than legalized prostitution....... Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I agree........You "pay for it" one way or another with money, be it outright cash and/or in "gifts".
needingmilking's Avatar
I don't care if a woman calls herself ... it is all the same thing. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
If you are very strict about it, sure, I agree.

Maybe she wants to stay off the radar, and this is a way to clarify (justify) to other interested parties.

I've heard many times that marriage to some is little more than legalized prostitution....... Originally Posted by LazurusLong
And is waaay more expensive, no doubt!
As long as the primary purpose of the compensation is something other than sex, its not prostitution. That is the whole premise behind the "paying for her time, not sex" disclaimers the providers post.

EX: If I pay a woman to go shopping with me as my fashion consultant and we happen to have sex later, its not prostitution.

Of course, proving that is what happened will be very hard. The DA and juries are not stupid. The ol "If it quacks like a duck, its a duck" saying takes over very quickly. You better have very good documentation if you want to try this defense.

And, no, giving your GF a set of earrings to get her to put out agan is NOT prostitution as long as the primary purpose of the realtionship is other than sex for money.

Here is an example of what might be needed to CYA as to fee for than sex situations:
  1. Never offer, agree or engage in sexual conduct for a fee. This means, don't describe sexual conduct as available for a fee. In all situations, dissociate payment of fee from sexual conduct.
  2. Provide a standard response to inquiries, describing what money is for and what it is not for. For example: "What I offer is social companionship. My rate is $???.00. I will meet you for drinks or dining. This usually lasts for one or one and half hours. No fees, tips, or other consideration of any kind will be quoted, negotiated, or collected in exchange for any sexual conduct, as defined within the Texas Penal Code, Chapter 3, Subchapter A, Section 43.02 or any other part of said code. "
  3. Meet the potential client socially for a drink, lunch or dinner.
  4. After your legal, social session has ended, require that he sign a waiver that states clearly what the fee was for and what the fee was not for. See step two above. After he has signed an appropriate waiver, then you and he, as consenting adults, are free to enjoy yourselves sexually or otherwise as you mutually wish.
Yea, getting that waiver signed might be a little tricky.
Iaintliein's Avatar
"I am appealing to a different class of gentleman."

How's that working out?

this guy guest2820 has been called out before about fake review of some girl he called Cindy who said he used her number. she's a provider called Blondie. I don't know why this guy is still allowed on here.