It must be housing costs.

Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

I ran across something interesting on Eccie today.

So, I navigate to, and I'm presented with some showcases.

One showcase is for a provider in Austin, another is in Dallas.


30 years old, cellulite in the ample thighs that's been photoshopped out of some pics(but not others - thank goodness for the accidental truth in advertising), double chin, no upper lip, and sad breasts - droopers that point downward at about a 30º angle, BUT are A-B cup(small sagging breasts make me sad; it's like they're not happy to see ANYONE). Oh, and a "draper" - drapers always have the midsection covered or missing in pics - never a good sign(You'll show us yer tits, but not yer tummy? Hmm...). No reviews posted.


21 years old. slender thighs that appear to have had no photoshop work. Perfect neckline, nice set of kissable lips, and awesome perky Cs that can't hold a pencil. Midsection isn't washboard, but would be if she was competing - perfect tone and shape, and she's not afraid to show it. Several reviews posted.

Guess what?

Austin's got higher rates than Dallas.


So, I did the random google search and picked the first salary calculator I could find, and threw in $50k for a WAG baseline figure - see the pic at the bottom for results.

Here's the thing; the rates aren't that much different, EXCEPT for housing costs(okay, and food, but food costs can be augmented by 50 lb. sacks of rice and beans. If they're too expensive to buy in Dallas, one can do a road trip to Austin or elsewhere - or, Hello, UPS! - to get said rice and beans at more reasonable prices).


The disparity between not only the prices but the physical attributes being offered is astounding.

Can anyone speak to why Austin is so different than other cities as far as this goes?

As in:

1. Why is a smokin' hawt provider in some cases 50% less in Houston or Dallas than Austin?

2. Are the providers that find it challenging to compete in other cities flocking to Austin in the hopes that "proximity will win out" and they will get business here instead of fellows just taking a road trip to better pickings?
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Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Can anyone speak to why Austin is so different than other cities as far as this goes?

As in:

1. Why is a smokin' hawt provider in some cases 50% less in Houston or Dallas than Austin?

2. Are the providers that find it challenging to compete in other cities flocking to Austin in the hopes that "proximity will win out" and they will get business here instead of fellows just taking a road trip to better pickings? Originally Posted by Baloney Pony
Oh this is gonna be good.
its a nicer place and pussy just tastes better in Austin
  • Booth
  • 03-15-2010, 04:25 PM
Just a guess here but I think it has something to do with population and a different supply/demand dynamic than what exists in Houston and Dallas. These numbers come for a July 1, 2008 census estimate:

Dallas/Ft. Worth/Arlington metro area - 6,300,006 residents
Houston/Sugarland/Baytown metro area - 5,728,143 residents
San Antonio/New Braunfels metro area - 2,031,445 residents
Austin/Round Rock/San Marcos metro area - 1,652,602 residents

I think Austin has a smaller supply but holds its own in the demand area. Our higher per capita demand tends to be reflected in the pricing. We have engineers, math whizzes, GG and Geniusman so I'm sure someone can tell you exactly what the equation is.
Oh this is gonna be good. Originally Posted by Risn2TheOccasion
its a nicer place and pussy just tastes better in Austin Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
so I'm sure someone can tell you exactly what the equation is. Originally Posted by Booth
Some of us have really deep pockets and enjoy members of the Austin HDH's.
PS. I should only speak for myself.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Dallas has more providers per capita then any city in Texas, and I wouldn't be surprised if it had more providers per capita than any city in the U.S.

Houston on the other hand, IMO is underserved. Rates there for indie GFE providers seem comparable to Austin. Especially of you look at advertised rates in the provider ad sections which are much lower than many providers' stated rates.

Austin is more expensive and has a higher per capita income than any other Texas metro areas.

Dallas is nationally known as the best marketplace for the hobbiest, though oddly enough I know ladies who travel to Dallas and do well at $250. The hobbiests they see claim it's hard to find a NICE and INTELLIGENT provider in Dallas who will wake up before noon and provide an authentic girlfriend experience. I'm quite surprised by this claim as you'd think competion would lead to better service. I'm not sure why this is said, or if it's even really true. I have some theories but will keep them to myself.
governmentguru's Avatar
the further one gets from the big cities the quality diminishes and the price increases...
jughead1171's Avatar
Dang, I must be looking at different providers in Austin. The ones I've seen are smoking hot with great reviews. Before I take your statement as a fact I would need to see a comparative analysis study completed by a neutral organization that gathered data from control and test groups using a qualitative analysis to gather the data to prove or disprove your hypothesis about the girls in dallas and in austin.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-15-2010, 10:11 PM
Sophia, you're championing an orthogonal argument to that being made by a segment of the hobbyists. You may have missed some of BP's old posts on the P. He championed the novel idea of equipping a rental storage unit with the bare necessities for making it a hobby-pad to take his street-action "dates" for more spacious accommodations than the inside of his car. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with the application of ingenuity to solve a problem, but your two world views are likely to be very different.

Now, for historical and political reasons Austin will never have the quantity of low-price point/easy convenience options that can be found in Dallas or Houston (AMPs and spas). And it's the relative lack of that end of the market in Austin that is the sore point for many hobbyists. A number of them are just not interested in a true GFE. They just want to cum, and to something other than Rosie Palm. A lot of the overall hobby market is made up of that level of market demand. Just look at backpage or CL.

How you're trying to answer the type of argument that Baloney Pony and others make can be likened to shopping for groceries.

You're basically saying that the prices for Whole Foods-pussy are basically the same at Whole Foods outlets in Houston and Dallas, and for the size of those cities, their populations are actually under-served by Whole Foods.

However, a segment of the local hobbyist market, some might even say the majority of them (or at least a very vocal segment), don't really care if their pussy is certified organic or free-range or cruelty-free or hormone-free. They want more Fiesta-pussy. And lots of it. It's not even about Whole Foods-pussy at Fiesta-pussy prices, though most hobbyists wouldn't complain about such a turn of events. They just want more Fiesta-pussy!

Not that there's anything wrong with Fiesta. I shop there from time to time. I'm not particularly uncomfortable around the majority of their clientele and I do like the price and quality of their limes. I have been known to partake in an occasional roasted ear of corn. I have often been tempted to buy a velvet painting but I've resisted so far. And some of those Quinceañera dresses are sure pretty.
sixxbach's Avatar
originally posted by Carl

Now, for historical and political reasons Austin will never have the quantity of low-price point/easy convenience options that can be found in Dallas or Houston (AMPs and spas). And it's the relative lack of that end of the market in Austin that is the sore point fro many hobbyists. A number of them are just not interested in a true GFE. They just want to cum, and to something other than Rosie Palm. A lot of the overall hobby market is made up of that level of market demand. Just look at backpage or CL.

right on the money Carl. I think this has mainly to do with age. I am in my 30's and if I lost a decent amount of weight could attract better looking women. hell, i had an affair with a pretty spinner latina two years ago and i weigh over 3 bills. and i wasn't paying her rent lol hell she paid for the rooms.

point being that I feel that GFE is really for the older gents that unless its P4P or sugar daddy will not be sleeping with hot young women. guys in their 20's-mid 40's can still bag the hottie. this is not a knock on older gents. just reality. in ten years, i will be in my mid 40's and i know i will crave the GFE experience. just not on the menu for me and others
Onceler's Avatar
However, a segment of the local hobbyist market, some might even say the majority of them (or at least a very vocal segment), don't really care if their pussy is certified organic or free-range or cruelty-free or hormone-free. They want more Fiesta-pussy. . Originally Posted by Carl

Carl, Fine points. I think the above might be one my my favorite sentences ever written on any board.
Now I do agree with one thing. The lack of spa or AMP alternatives in Austin does have some affect on things. Several Houston Spas were very nice with excellent ladies and fun times, and the lack of that choice here does have ripples to some degree. I am very glad many ladies offer a reduced or HH session at something comparable for what a spa session would typically go for, but in other markets, having that dedicated segment does make some difference.

...comparison shopper...
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
OK. But I just want to make the distinction that Houston and Dallas are not the same. Not even close. Some people seem to be equating the two -- even you Carl.

Dallas has far more providers at most segments of the market than Houston. Baloney Poney wasn't comparing AMPS or STUDIOS or SWs. He was comparing Austin indie full service providers with Dallas indie full service providers and then towards the end of his example equated Dallas and Houston. Houston has an overactive vice squad and people get busted all the time. And for some other reasons that I'm really not sure of, they seem to have less entrants into the market. ChrisS, an economist, had some fancy way of explaining the Dallas phenomenon. I don't remember what he said but it sounded like he was saying when a lot of people are doing it, more girls begin to think it's acceptable and join in the fun. Girls recruit their friends and the pool gets bigger. In Houston, several of my provider friends have been arrested so I think it's probably not as easy to recruit. It could also be the fact that you can get full service in a Houston strip club means less girls have to post as full service providers on sites like eccie or p411. They like the security of the club environment.

I'm just saying, Dallas and Houston are not even close to the same market. And hobbyists in every city (probably every city in America) have major Dallas envy.
Wanting to see something new......

Houses are cheap here, food is cheap here, depending on where you shop. Yes its alot more gals here in Dallas. It also depends on what you are looking for, we have a bigger variety of everything, well Dallas is a bigger city...period.

Depends on what you call competition, going by the lovely example you used.

30 year old - saggy breast ( your words not mines)
21 year old- perky breast (again your words not mines)

Do you want younger or mature. Perky or saggy

Do you want white or ebony, latina or asian?

Do you want spinner or are you a chubby chaser?

I want to travel to see new things period, i got to Austin and was like wow, this is a small city. Very nice, providing in a small city was never on my mind. competition was never on my mind, I LOVE to travel. The only place i would fret about competition would Atlanta, lots of big booty girls there, and the cost of living is even cheaper than here.

Just saying
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Wanting to see something new......
The only place i would fret about competition would Atlanta, lots of big booty girls there, and the cost of living is even cheaper than here.

Just saying Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Interesting. A local provider recently went on tour in Atlanta and did so well that she packed up and moved there. She basically told me money was raining from the sky. She was also white and not particularly ample in the rear so maybe that market is under served.

I've always wanted to check out hotlanta so I might give it a try.
GneissGuy's Avatar

There are more ladies in Dallas who are poor, "downtrodden," anxious for cash, and willing to do what it takes to work their way up in the world financially. Bad areas of town, whatever.

This lowers the price, and, to some extent, it effects even the higher class providers.