Mile High Club

Ok. I'm heading to San Diego for the better part of a week this summer, and I'm taking a provider. I have a mile club fantasy and I'd like to try to fulfill it.

My question is, what would happen if we got caught? Given that laws are different since 9-11, I was wondering if anyone knew what the risks were, so I could weigh the pros and cons. Any information would be appreciated.

Ok. I'm heading to San Diego for the better part of a week this summer, and I'm taking a provider. I have a mile club fantasy and I'd like to try to fulfill it.

My question is, what would happen if we got caught? Given that laws are different since 9-11, I was wondering if anyone knew what the risks were, so I could weigh the pros and cons. Any information would be appreciated.

I.S. Originally Posted by TheItalianStallion
I hope she's a spinner, those bathrooms are really small. Risks? Maybe they will name you "the wash closet f****r" or maybe "John, the nail her" I got it - "The P***y bomber" I hope you get a standing ovation or at least a standing "O".
Don't do it. The airlines have NO sense of humor now days. The penalty would be severe. Rent a small plane for your mile high fantasy. My 2 cents.
nuglet's Avatar
Hokedonit is a bit paranoid. The airlines are NOT gonna lock you up if caught. What penalty? They can't throw you off the plane..LOL
Just make sure there's no young witnesses. THAT can get you a pile-o-trouble.
Or take your own blanket or large sweater with you and play in the seat beneath the covers, as in spooning.
Hm...I wouldn't risk it. If caught you both might end up spending the night at the SD county motel.
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
There is no law against fucking in an airplane bathtub. Even public indecency laws don't really carry as long as there isn't too much noise and the door is closed. Thats the bottom line. Been there, done that. You WILL get looks from the flight attendants (they catch on quick), but that's about it.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-20-2010, 01:49 PM
There is no law against fucking in an airplane bathtub. Originally Posted by AustinBusinessTraveler
Jet airplanes have bathtubs? Must just be in first class.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you do, don't wear tennis shoes!
Guest062716's Avatar
If done with discretion and certainly not in the cabin, I am not aware of any problem you will run into. Remember, deny deny deny... the two of you were in the lavatory so she could help you get something out of your eye. Wink Wink

Yes, the flight attendants don't miss much, so hopefully, you have friendly flight attendants.

I went to Vegas last year with a friend. Made sure I got two seats near the back, just behind the galley and forward of the lavatory.... we had the whole back end of the plane to ourselves and made the trip to the lav when the flight attendant went up the isle with the beverage cart.... LOL.

The other trick is you have to be quick... LOL....and those lavs are small.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.


AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
You guys never use the bathtub? Sorry, too much time flying international. Just kidding. Although I am interested to use the new beds on Singapore Air.
My Mile High Club experience was well planned so we would be quick - ended up being a lot easier than we thought it would be.,,, I made sure I didn't wear any kind of anything underneath my dress, even before we checked out of our hotel & left for the airport.... lol

10:30pm flight from Chicago, I simply walked to the lavatory, left it unlocked, hiked my leg up with my foot on the sink & 20 seconds later he walked in, unzipped & entered me as I locked the door....

It was soooooooo f*ing intense guys! Makes me wanna fly out of town, just thinking about it!!! Hahaha!

Since we didn't get caught, while exiting the plane, I whispered to the very gay flight attendant, whom I had briefly flirted with earlier, that we joined the Mile High Club in the left lavatory.... He giggled & congratulated us....

I have a key chain & bumper sticker for my joining the club,,,, Lol

Good luck to ya! Let me know how it goes!!!
I simply walked to the lavatory, left it unlocked, hiked my leg up with my foot on the sink & 20 seconds later he walked in, unzipped & entered me as I locked the door....
It was soooooooo f*ing intense guys! Makes me wanna fly out of town, just thinking about it!!! Hahaha!
I have a key chain & bumper sticker for my joining the club,,,, Lol
Originally Posted by Laney Von
DAYUM -- Laney thats hot! -- Makes me want to fly you.
There you have it ItallionStallion, go for the club!