Office Space

I used to clean off tables and take out the trash in the tunnel downtown. Right by Vinson and Elkins law firm. Of course because of my dynamite personality I learned a thing or two from the partners of Vinson and Elkins

When you retire, the firm allows certain partners, senior partners, to have a office space. That office space is literally for that person to be an old man gracefully, write books, get away from your old wife etc. Walk into the tunnel for long lunches etc.

Unwritten is they also want you to come down after your naps and give some pearls of wisdom to the new head hunters who are making money for the firm. Unwritten is well keep your old ass around as long as you don't interfere with business. Like you are not bringing in new deals, you are not on the cutting edge etc.

Your job is to come in. Give sage advice to the new generation and go upstairs to your retirement office, play Pokemon or try to build the next submersible to visit the Titanic. If that retired partner got out of character the firm had a polite way of showing the old man to the door. Not a bad door. Partners at Vinson, retired, are upper class to somewhat got money

That's what I want people to understand here. Some of you'll had great careers hobbying. Like tore it up. We respect that. Then for whatever reason you retired. Understandable. So we carve you out a space, your office, to enjoy your memoirs. We welcome it honestly until you don't understand that you are absolutely not needed here. We are just trying to give an old man some place to go. We are trying not to say leave but just don't interfere please. Capiche!