Im a bit confused on the hobby guys here. I always get messages to cum visit Austin, and when I do cum to Austion nothing lol

Oh well lI guess thanks Austin Ill go and try to enjoy 6th street maybe. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the week....
atxbrad's Avatar
Unfortunatly this happens far too often. You should hold the guys accountable that ask you to make the trip. I know thats easier said than done and I dont know how you would go about it, but in theory it sounds nice.

Maybe some nice gent will read this and realize that you are available. Optimism, it will work out!
Elephant's Avatar
Sorry to hear that.... Who were the guys who messaged you?... Well known Posters or just Lurkers?
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Im a bit confused on the hobby guys here. I always get messages to cum visit Austin, and when I do cum to Austion nothing lol

Oh well lI guess thanks Austin Ill go and try to enjoy 6th street maybe. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the week.... Originally Posted by rachel
Wow. You are über hot. I can't understand what the problem is.

But I will say I've never toured a market without getting pre-bookings. If I don't get enough pre-bookings, I don't go. Of course they can always cancel and some will, but it's better than getting there with NO appointments. When a guy messages me and asks me to come visit, I ask him when he would like me to come and then tell him I will visit if I can get enough appointments.

If you are new to an area, it helps to advertise every week for at least 2 weeks before arrival. It also helps to notify the guys who have contacted you in the past and remind them that you're coming. And don't forget a visiting ad on P411.

Since you're so darn cute, I would also suggest coming to a social. Make the first day of your tour the social, then you'll meet a bunch of guys and you can set up appointments with them for the following days. There are a surprising number of guys that won't see a provider until they've met her at a social. Once they meet you, some guys will tell all their friends about you and you might find yourself quite popular.

Good luck!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
We have been talking about bringing stuff out in the open around here lately. Just like with gals who don't play fair, if there are guys who aren't playing fair then post their handles.

I am one who wants to see more Dallas ladies come visit. I didn't know you would be here, but I don't read ads, other guys usually tell me.

I saw December love Monday, so I am doing my part.

Sorry you are having a tough time.
Dick Diamond's Avatar
225 an hour and with your menu,I can't believe other's who didn't ask you to come to austin not book you.

You seem to have great reviews, go figure?
Enjoy 6th street sweety!
Take Care
thanks all..i just not to never return.its crazy how i went to texarkana yesterday and the same thing happened lol i guess its just not my week to travel.but i know now that austin is off my travel list
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Maybe some nice gent will read this and realize that you are available. Optimism, it will work out! Originally Posted by atxbrad
I was hoping the same thing, someone must be awake with energy and a donation, let's hope someone cums through for this lady.
LadiesFan's Avatar
bummer... I just read through all of your posts and it looks like you have had one heck of an unlucky streak in several of the cities you have been to over the past few weeks. I hope things get better for you.

rekcaSxT's Avatar
Wow. You are über hot. I can't understand what the problem is.

But I will say I've never toured a market without getting pre-bookings. If I don't get enough pre-bookings, I don't go. Of course they can always cancel and some will, but it's better than getting there with NO appointments. When a guy messages me and asks me to come visit, I ask him when he would like me to come and then tell him I will visit if I can get enough appointments.

If you are new to an area, it helps to advertise every week for at least 2 weeks before arrival. It also helps to notify the guys who have contacted you in the past and remind them that you're coming. And don't forget a visiting ad on P411.

Since you're so darn cute, I would also suggest coming to a social. Make the first day of your tour the social, then you'll meet a bunch of guys and you can set up appointments with them for the following days. There are a surprising number of guys that won't see a provider until they've met her at a social. Once they meet you, some guys will tell all their friends about you and you might find yourself quite popular.

Good luck! Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Sophia makes some good points. I don't know how you advertise, but maybe you should take a critical look at it. I am just trying to help here, but if you are having similar problems elsewhere you might need to tweak your approach a bit.

I hope this helps, maybe this thread will turn out to be a positive thing for you.
sixxbach's Avatar
ok rachel... first off welcome to austin! i noticed that you do not have an ad posted today. your showcase says to look for your weekly advertised rate.... maybe i could find it if i had went past page 2 of the weekday ads but that is too long. u should have a new one each day IMO....... do u do half hours? alot of guys like that too.

just an idea or two...

Sorry, apparently you didn't get the latest memo from Eccie on the Austin hobby world. Sorry your trip was a bust, next time I'd recommend reaching out to such lovelies as Sensual Sophia before you make the journey to Austin. In the meantime, here's a summary of the current Eccie Innuendo Report (EIR).....

Make sure to check with our resident expert, rekcaSxT, on the latest going on's with the provider mafia, the price fixing scandal, wk's that ncns to protect their atf's market share, providers that don't provide reference, and other general back channel innuendo's before doing anything else. Had you checked with him, you wouldn't have wasted your trip...as far as texarkana, maybe he can refer you to a counter part in that locale, I hear they may have formed a clique and may even be considering a yahoo group according to the back channel chatter.

Also, apparently Kat is the official "welcome wagon"...she will definitely help you in your move back based on this diatribe!

I've been on this trail for a year now. My intuition may fail me on occasions when I choose to help someone who down the line takes me for granted or fucks me over, but when it comes to our community, I'm on top of it! Sometimes I may appear to be a sentimental sot, but you can't deny my integrity, devotion or genuine love of the hobby and of those with whom I share my experiences. I've been a workaholic all my life so the environment I work within is one of the integral components affecting my success. When there's a disturbance in the force *stay w/ me Yoda* I feel it. There's been an insidious plague I can trace to TWO malicious wenchitistical hobag pimpettes who use their charisma, education, and controlling natures inappropriately to win over the naive or easily "whooped" WK's needed to jump in & cover their stinky asses when someone calls them out.

How does that affect me? I have a repeat client rate of at least 70% because I am GENUINE.
So, for a genuine welcome wagon greeting, she's your girl!

Sorry, I'm using your post to make a point and am genuinely sorry you made the trip with no return on investment. As others have stated, maybe a better marketing/advertising plan would help with the bookings.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Make sure to check with our resident expert, rekcaSxT, on the latest going on's with the provider mafia, the price fixing scandal, wk's that ncns to protect their atf's market share, providers that don't provide reference, and other general back channel innuendo's before doing anything else.

Also, apparently Kat is the official "welcome wagon"...she will definitely help you in your move back based on this diatribe! Originally Posted by dammit
Why sling the mud and stir the pot when we finally got some peace and quiet for a short time. And Kat hasn't even been in this thread, probably has not even read it yet. What's your true motive here?

and off topic, not polite or civil, personal veiled attacks...As you said yourself, you were sorry you used her post to make a point entirely unrelated to this, the old ' I'll make an out of line post and disclaim it.'.

whoops, I must be in a time machine year 2007 talking in a manner I got used to when seeing posts like yours with a different hat on.

Not once did Rachel complain of NCNS, failure of references, price-fixing or any of the negative things you brought in to this thread; she simply asked why the phones weren't ringing or getting PM's; nothing like the threads you refer to.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I feel bad for Rachel, there were some people here who were trying to help her, and now she really will not want to return to Austin.

I think hijacking this thread was out of line.

Dammit, like I said in my PM, passive agression is not flattering to either of us.
LadiesFan's Avatar
Stay classy San Diego !!!!!

- Ron Bergundy