Senile Biden Now Shitting All Over the Constitution costing each taxpayer $2,100

berryberry's Avatar
Illegal, immoral, illogical

Senile Biden is going to ask blue collar working class families to pay $20,000 to households earning a quarter million dollars.

SCOOP: White House expected to provide up to ***$20,000*** in student debt relief for ***Pell Grant*** recipients and $10,000 in student debt relief for everyone else

Would have to be under $125K ($250K jointly) to qualify.
berryberry's Avatar
As a reminder, Senile Biden tried to extend the eviction moratorium despite knowing he didn’t have the authority to do so. SCOTUS checked him. Now he is proposing another obvious abuse of power for political gain. Clear that he does not take his oath or Constitutional limits seriously.

And remember - Nothing, absolutely nothing, is being cancelled. Like any good Socialist Senile Biden is transferring financial burdens onto those who had no part in creating them.

Transferring student debt from deadbeats to taxpayers is a tax on the most responsible people in the country.

Forcing people who worked hard to repay their loans or those who didn't have the luxury of going to college, to subsidize people who wasted $$$ on worthless gender study degrees is a slap in the face.
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden owes Americans an explanation on why a truck driver who didn't go to college is now responsible for the student loans of a rich lawyer.

Transferring rich lawyers' debt to poor Americans should put to rest the narrative that Senile Biden and the libtards care about the working class.
berryberry's Avatar
"I've saved all my money. [My daughter] doesn't have any student loans. Am I going to get my money back?"

Elizabeth Warren: "Of course not."

“I worked a double shift…you’re laughing at me…we did the right thing and we get screwed.”

berryberry's Avatar
While some libtards will try to claim the President can legally discharge debt - that is more utter bullshit and a libtard lie

Remember this 2021 @usedgov legal memo on why the president does not have the authority to execute broad based student loan forgiveness. The Senile Biden admin has not explained why he can break the law and why the @usedgov Office of the General Council memo was wrong.
eyecu2's Avatar
So which would be worse; an implosion of the economy when there are some people unable to repay loans for reason like:
1. the pandemic and loss of income
2. under-employment due to no fault of their own.
3. A delay in obtaining their degree due to the pandemic or resulting economy / crisis

There are many more reasons that the loan system we have currently needs help. There were programs for those who were unemployed, and took aid, and some who got PPP Grants, and more. There have been tax bailouts for the rich people in the country. This is just like those situations where there was a hand up given to those who would adversly affect the economy and this will help force money back into the economy vs. strictly repaying debts, (which are at unfair rates and terms already)

REP-PUBES will always say that you borrowed it, you pay it; unless it was a loan to get payroll out, or the like. The fact that you choose only high income people to support and not the common joe, is why people think Pub-lick-ens are fucked in the head. I think it's incredible to help people up from debts that are unfair in some cases, just wrong in others such as those institutions who were shut down, and finally to help ppl get a degree and be better able to provide and thus give more tax money eventually. An education is normally a great method to be a better earner; but so is hard work. I just didn't hear much bitching when there were PPP grants, (givewaways) and now it's taboo. Fucking Hypocrites.
berryberry's Avatar
Jonathon Turley - The massive loan forgiveness virtually mocks Manchin and his insistence that he secured a compromise to protect the budget.
After signing the recent law, Biden then unilaterally moved to forgive billions in loans without a congressional vote. What is striking is the celebration of congressional Democrats who are cheering the circumvention of their own branch, embracing institutional obsolescence. We saw the same self-loathing during the Obama Administration.

Illegal and immoral.

Hope all of you enjoy paying $2100 each to pay off these deadbeats loans as this illegal giveaway will cost taxpayers over $500 billion
berryberry's Avatar
Even Crazy Nancy knows this is illegal

berryberry's Avatar
There were programs for those who were unemployed, and took aid, and some who got PPP Grants.
I just didn't hear much bitching when there were PPP grants, (givewaways) Originally Posted by eyecu2
So are you a deadbeat who did not pay of their college loans and is now getting an illegal handout from Senile Biden?

All your whining about PPP is a giveaway and a self-own. I was NOT a proponent of the PPP program, however - PPP was forgiven ONLY when used to pay wages and rent. And the wage payments directly offset unemployment costs for the federal government.

Also, PPP was done by law, passed by Congress. in economic emergency that “borrowers” did not cause. Anyone who can't see the difference is clueless.

Comparing on program passed into law by Congress with another that program that is a lawless cancelation of debt voluntarily incurred, already deferred in emergency is asinine. Only ill-informed libtards would try to compare the two.

Libtards demand the responsible now pay the debts of the irresponsible, and they'll use the IRS against taxpayers to make sure. This transfers private debt obligations onto the backs of the working class and responsible citizens.
Senile Biden owes Americans an explanation on why a truck driver who didn't go to college is now responsible for the student loans of a rich lawyer.

Transferring rich lawyers' debt to poor Americans should put to rest the narrative that Senile Biden and the libtards care about the working class. Originally Posted by berryberry
... Liberals call it "The Trickle-Up Theory"...

... Here in PA - the taxpayers will also be paying for
re-locating the illegals here.

The ones being sent to New York... You didn't really
believe NY and DC are gonna keep 'em all, didja?

They'll be here - just in time for Christmas and Boxing Day
- If Josh Shapiro wins. ....

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Shapiro will win in PA. I even think Fetterman is going to win.
... And IF that happens - the people of Pennsylvania
will surely be the worse for it. ...

Higher taxes coming in 2023!

### Salty
Depends- PA likes to over-tax things people enjoy like Alcohol & Cigarettes. There's a chance Uncle Fester finally makes recreational cannabis legal. Tack on a nice tax amount and Ta-Da!! Most states are adding a tax of 3% up to 35%. That alone could help lower taxes elsewhere, but I doubt it. They love to raise 'em but never lower 'em.
berryberry's Avatar

Doocy: "The people that already paid their student loans, they don't get anything out of this deal."

Education Secretary Cardona: "Right."

berryberry's Avatar