Georgia on my mind

eyecu2's Avatar
Seems that our football hero is facing some likely hot water with some of the accusations about his pro-life stance. Seems that a guy sent a get well card to a young lady who had "said Procedure" and now his son is calling him out on twitter along with his other 2 secret kids; how many fucking skeletons will pop out of this dudes closet now?

apparently also had a lady friend get an abortion in 2009

But no matter, the two faced hypocrites known as the GOP are standing behind their boy- as they have nothing other than the brain dead concussed moron to stand up against Warnock.
eyecu2's Avatar
Looks like the polls you guys like so much are showing Walker behind by 5 pts....wonder what the next drop of information from his son will do to his political career. Imagine that brain dead moron being in the senate. Holy fucking shit....every bill would have to be dumbed down to a max of 2 or 3 syllable words.

some other polls have him between 2 and 5 points ahead of the wobble headed moron walker.
berryberry's Avatar
Georgia on my mind indeed

Raphael Warnock (D) is asking the court to seal his child custody proceedings. Warnock's ex-wife who previously accused him of spousal abuse has been accusing Warnock of being a "deadbeat Dad" and neglecting his children.
berryberry's Avatar
Georgia Sweet Georgia

This is the wife of GA Sen Raphael Warnock (D) on Atlanta police bodycam footage alleging spousal abuse after police were called to Warnock's home after a domestic violence incident in 2020. She was also in court this year & accused him of child neglect
Georgia Sweet Georgia

This is the wife of GA Sen Raphael Warnock (D) on Atlanta police bodycam footage alleging spousal abuse after police were called to Warnock's home after a domestic violence incident in 2020. She was also in court this year & accused him of child neglect Originally Posted by berryberry
... Too right! ... Reading about this right now...

Thanks for doing this thread... So we can surely put
the spotlight on this! ...

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
This is old news....this was around when Warnock won last time. Try again.
lustylad's Avatar
This is old news....this was around when Warnock won last time. Try again. Originally Posted by eyecu2
So what are you trying to say, eye? Dim-retards are allowed to beat their wives with impunity, but if Republicans do it, it disqualifies them from holding office?
eyecu2's Avatar
No Lusty...nobody should be at any wife...but this was out years ago when Warnock won before despite this being in the news cycle. Not defending him for his actions, just saying people voting him in when this was even more recent. I truthfully hate most politicians as they are 99% liars.

But what I was pointing out in my original post, was that Walker, despite being pro-life, as both requested women to get abortions, and his father children out of Redbox. Most GOP candidates want to get that an Evangelical vote from the south on their side, so I'm not sure Walker is the right choice with his baggage. Plus he seems like a moron.
berryberry's Avatar
No Lusty...nobody should be at any wife...but this was out years ago when Warnock won before despite this being in the news cycle. Not defending him for his actions, just saying people voting him in when this was even more recent. I truthfully hate most politicians as they are 99% liars.

But what I was pointing out in my original post, was that Walker, despite being pro-life, as both requested women to get abortions, and his father children out of Redbox. Most GOP candidates want to get that an Evangelical vote from the south on their side, so I'm not sure Walker is the right choice with his baggage. Plus he seems like a moron. Originally Posted by eyecu2
So Warnock beating his wife is old news but some trumped up disputed story about Walker from 13 years ago is not? Really?

So you are saying "Oh, you're pro-life? Then you better abandon Walker over a much disputed 13-year-old transgression so that Dems can federally legalize abortion until birth."

Yeah right

Voters know this election is about the cost of gas & groceries, border security & parents being back in control of schools. Herschel Walker is part of the keys to a Republican majority & the only thing that stops Senile Biden’s reckless agenda once & for all. Everything else is a distraction.
berryberry's Avatar
Libtard opposition drops that are even tenuously based in reality go to NYT or WaPo

The fact this went to the Daily Beast indicates something so fictional 5-10 other libtard publications already passed on it.

Herschel Walker regarding the latest Democrat attack:

berryberry's Avatar
And Point proven:

NEWS: Sources inside @HerschelWalker #GASEN campaign confirm to @dcexaminer: The Georgia Republican had "record-breaking" fundraising day after @thedailybeast story broke: Walker raised $182K, including $50K during his @seanhannity interview on @FoxNews

Nothing motivates Republican base voters and small dollar contributors like the double standard.
berryberry's Avatar
Now back to Sweet Georgia

Raphael Warnock was arrested in 2002 for obstructing a police investigation into abuse at his church camp in which counselors tossed urine on a camper and locked him outside his cabin overnight.
berryberry's Avatar
Ex-Wife Accuses Raphael Warnock of Neglecting Children, Failing To Pay Childcare Expenses
berryberry's Avatar
Democratic Georgia senator Raphael Warnock might have violated federal law by paying campaign lawyers to represent him in a personal lawsuit, Politico reported Wednesday.

Warnock last year paid his campaign's lawyers, the Elias Law Group, to represent him in a personal lawsuit involving actions before he became a senator. That decision might have breached federal election law, experts say.

This is far from the first time Warnock, who this year will square off against Republican challenger Herschel Walker in a closely watched campaign, has faced legal trouble. Warnock's ex-wife says the Georgia senator harassed her and neglected their children. As the senior pastor of a Maryland church in 2002, Warnock repeatedly disrupted an investigation into **** abuse at a church-sponsored summer camp, leading to his arrest.
berryberry's Avatar
Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock's ex-wife on his character after he allegedly ran over her foot with his car:

"I've tried to keep the way he acts under wraps for a long time, & today he crossed the line... He is a great actor. He is phenomenal at putting on a really good show."
