Remember that time the Ozommunists stole a quote from a old white woman

and made a stamp... LMFAO!


By Kevin “Coach” Collins

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has colluded with the family of the late poet Maya Angelou to steal a quote from a white eighty nine year old children’s book writer named Joan Walsh Anglund to make the new Angelou stamp look good. The whole episode is a perfect example of how liberals are different from other people.

According to reports, there was an excited gathering of “luminaries” at the stamp’s unveiling which included Michelle Obama who is the political world’s Kim Kardashian – famous for being famous without any actual accomplishments of her own.

That the stolen quote placed on the “forever” Angelou stamp, “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song,” is mumbo jumbo and not worthy of any notice is beside the point – it was stolen.

The befuddled Anglund answered, “Yes, that’s my quote,” when asked about the theft. The bozos at the USPS did an “Ahumina humina” act when they were asked about the theft and said, the Angelou family approved the quote. So either the family is ignorant of Angelou’s work or they are a bunch of hucksters- I’ll go with hucksters.

In this Barack Obama world, colored by race in every single detail, it is hard to ignore the fact that if this situation were reversed there would be a Sharpton led riot. Had a stamp commemorated white author Joan Walsh Anglund using a quote stolen from African American Angelou, there would be demonstrations in the streets and calls for the Post Master General to be fired.

Of course there will be no such demonstrations in our streets. The liberals will laugh at any protests about the theft and dismiss them as racist motivated.

The impression that the quote was from Angelou first came from the Fraud in Chief Barack Obama who quoted Angelou as loving the quote. This fraud will be buried like every other fraud the liberals force us to accept. One comforting thought: We might be forced to buy the fraudulent Obamacare, but we have not yet been force to buy the fraudulent Angelou stamp.
How did she say it was her quote if she's dead. And it's not like this is being swept under the rug. I've seen at least five news stories about it since it happened. Everyone knows it wasn't her quote. Nice try making an issue where there isn't one though.

Let's see, -

The Old Grey Lady -

Washington Post -

Fox news -


Jesus, you're right, it's positively being buried and no one is talking about it.

Now, if you were honorable, you'd just admit you fucked up and that would be the end of it. I doubt you'll do that though because I doubt you're man enough.

And here's what Anglund had to say about it, full of class, unlike yourself

"I love her and all she's done, and I also love my own private thinking that also comes to the public because it comes from what I've been thinking and how I've been feeling"
It's difficult to get all worked up about another Democrat lie. You just assume that just about anything the Democrat/Progressive/liberal establishment is evolved in will require lying about something.

And does it come as no surprise that the future of their Party, the "honorable Mrs Bill Clinton", is quite possibly the biggest liar of them all.

No small feat, considering her peers.
It's difficult to get all worked up about another Democrat lie. You just assume that just about anything the Democrat/Progressive/liberal establishment is evolved in will require lying about something.

And does it come as no surprise that the future of their Party, the "honorable Mrs Bill Clinton", is quite possibly the biggest liar of them all.

No small feat, considering her peers. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Change democrat to politician. They all lie. Just depends if you like the lie being told or not.
LMFAO anyone in the world that fucks up is automatically branded a liberal...
Gotta love the bizarre attack on the FLOTUS if Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan or any Republican First Lady ever did anything noteworthy....other than happen to be married to somebody that got elected president. Stupid race-baiting post from one of our well-known resident race-baiting idiots.
Change democrat to politician. They all lie. Just depends if you like the lie being told or not. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Soros is pissed, WormRider...

Book author Joan Walsh Anglund says of Angelou stamp: ‘That’s my quote’

A Maya Angelou stamp that will be issued Tuesday features a quote attributed to her. But children’s book author named Joan Walsh Anglund says she wrote it first. (U.S. Postal Service)

By Lonnae O'Neal April 6
A number of luminaries are expected at Tuesday morning’s unveiling ceremony for the new stamp honoring the late author Maya Angelou, among them first lady Michelle Obama. An 89-year-old children’s book author named Joan Walsh Anglund won’t be there. But her words will be: The quote on the stamp originated with Anglund.

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song,” the Angelou “Forever” stamp reads.

“Yes, that’s my quote,” Anglund said Monday night from her Connecticut home. It appears on page 15 of her book of poems “A Cup of Sun,” published in 1967. Only the pronouns and punctuation are changed, from “he” in Anglund’s original to “it” on the stamp.

A Postal Service spokesman, Mark Saunders, initially said he had never heard of the Anglund quote until The Washington Post informed him of it. In response, he sent a link to a 2013 blog post interview that quoted Angelou saying the phrase. In a later statement, he also said “numerous references” attributed the the quote to her as well.

“The Postal Service used her widely recognized quote to help build an immediate connection between her image and her 1969 nationally recognized autobiography, ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,’ ” the statement said.

Postal Service unveils Maya Angelou ‘forever’ stamp(1:07)
The U.S. Postal Service unveiled a limited edition stamp honoring poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou at the Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C. The first lady Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Attorney General Eric Holder were amongst those in attendance. (Reuters)
But Monday night, after being told that Anglund confirmed the quote as hers, Saunders wrote in an e-mail, “Had we known about this issue beforehand, we would have used one of [Angelou’s] many other works. . . . The sentence held great meaning for her and she is publicly identified with its popularity.”

Emily Anglund, Anglund’s granddaughter, said she had no idea that the quote has been attributed to Angelou for several years, or that it is featured on her forever stamp. “We didn’t realize it until you brought it to our attention now. Wow,” Emily Anglund said.

Last year, in remarks at the presentation of the 2013 National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal, President Obama attributed the quote to Angelou:

“The late, great Maya Angelou once said, ‘A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.’ Each of the men and women that we honor today has a song — literally, in some cases. For others, it’s a talent, or a drive, or a passion that they just had to share with the world.”

Joan Walsh Anglund also was hearing about the Angelou stamp for the first time Monday night. “I haven’t read all of her things, and I love her things, of course,” she said of the poet and cultural icon. “But I think it easily happens sometimes that people hear something, and it’s kind of going into your subconscious and you don’t realize it,” she said.

“It’s an interesting connection, and interesting it would happen and already be printed and on her stamp,” Anglund said. “I love her and all she’s done, and I also love my own private thinking that also comes to the public because it comes from what I’ve been thinking and how I’ve been feeling.

“I don’t know about the stamp and I hope that it’s successful,” she added.
Sounds like Ms. Anglund is a class act.
Sounds like Ms. Anglund is a class act. Originally Posted by timpage
Class act. Something shiteater knows zero about.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How did she say it was her quote if she's dead. And it's not like this is being swept under the rug. I've seen at least five news stories about it since it happened. Everyone knows it wasn't her quote. Nice try making an issue where there isn't one though.

Let's see, -

The Old Grey Lady -

Washington Post -

Fox news -


Jesus, you're right, it's positively being buried and no one is talking about it.

Now, if you were honorable, you'd just admit you fucked up and that would be the end of it. I doubt you'll do that though because I doubt you're man enough.

And here's what Anglund had to say about it, full of class, unlike yourself

"I love her and all she's done, and I also love my own private thinking that also comes to the public because it comes from what I've been thinking and how I've been feeling" Originally Posted by WombRaider
I would say that it is still an issue. It shows that the leadership in the US Post Office can't get it right...again. That they are more than willing to steal the glory from someone else and just as unwilling to correct the situation. I have to add, who came up with this quote. Did Barack find time between tee times to call the Post Office and say that he had a quote for a special stamp he wanted made. FYI, Maya had a bit of a reputation for borrowing from other poets too.
lustylad's Avatar
Now, if you were honorable, you'd just admit you fucked up and that would be the end of it. I doubt you'll do that though because I doubt you're man enough. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Hahahaha.... how rich to see this one! The biggest lying fraudulent fuck on this board - who has been caught red-handed using multiple handles and still vehemently denies it every day since he rejoined eccie - is lecturing a long-standing poster (who has always complied with the rules of this board) to do what is "honorable"!

And then the same cowardly pussy - who refuses to man up to his own sneaky and colossally dishonest behavior - has the chutzpah to suggest that someone else might be as testosterone-deficient as he is!

Hahahaha.... that is so rich! Now I've seen it all! Wombhater aka Undercunt is a Clinton knockoff libtard asshole spammer from Dogpatch, Arkansas so this kind of monumental hypocrisy comes naturally to him!

I do not have multiple handles. Ask a mod. This is my only handle and it's my first handle. Originally Posted by WombRaider

UnderConstruction = WombRaider

Keep lying and pretending to be an “honorable” member of this forum, undercunt. I will re-direct folks to this thread every time:

Look at me, I'm Lusty Lad and I like to SPREAD HAPPINESS!

Who the fuck puts 'spreading happiness' on their bio? This pussy /\
Hahahaha.... how rich to see this one! The biggest lying fraudulent fuck on this board - who has been caught red-handed using multiple handles and still vehemently denies it every day since he rejoined eccie - is lecturing a long-standing poster (who has always complied with the rules of this board) to do what is "honorable"!

And then the same cowardly pussy - who refuses to man up to his own sneaky and colossally dishonest behavior - has the chutzpah to suggest that someone else might be as testosterone-deficient as he is!

Hahahaha.... that is so rich! Now I've seen it all! Wombhater aka Undercunt is a Clinton knockoff libtard asshole spammer from Dogpatch, Arkansas so this kind of monumental hypocrisy comes naturally to him!

UnderConstruction = WombRaider

Keep lying and pretending to be an “honorable” member of this forum, undercunt. I will re-direct folks to this thread every time:

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Who puts 'spreading happiness' on their bio? This jerkoff /\

And he also admits he's a jackoff of all trades, masturbator of one.
lustylad's Avatar
And he also admits he's a jackoff of all trades, masturbator of one. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Lol... now that's pretty funny, undercunt. Did you make it up all by yourself?
lustylad's Avatar
Who the fuck puts 'spreading happiness' on their bio? This pussy /\ Originally Posted by WombRaider
Who puts 'spreading happiness' on their bio? This jerkoff /\ Originally Posted by WombRaider
You seem strangely obsessed with my knack for spreading happiness in this world, undercunt. I'm sorry to inform you it's not a teachable quality. Some of us have it, others don't. But you can still take comfort from an old Oscar Wilde quote:

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go."

Rest assured that whenever you decide to de-activate your latest eccie account, happiness will burst out all over this board!
