It's February 17th. How's that new years resolution working?

ThrillBill88's Avatar
So, what was your new years resolution, and how are you doing with it? I had 2. The first was to stop crunching ice. For years, 2 or 3 times a day, I'd stop at a convenience store, buy a large fountain diet coke filled with ice, drink the coke and chomp on the ice. My dentist tells me that's worse for your teeth than not brushing them. Haven't chomped on ice since 12/31/2010. Yea!!! The second was not to see Topshelf Tess this year, and see someone new. Blew that one today, but it damn sure was fun
runswithscissors's Avatar
15 years ago I stopped smoking; laid them down and never went back; broke every resolution there after until this year so far...

I told myself to cut back on the business travel; normally I would have already booked out six weeks of travel and we are only into eight or nine weeks of the year; this year is "me" time; spend more time in Austin; chase the local Ladies around town...

And as my mother used to say, "Wag More, Bark Less"
rCoder's Avatar
Isn't early to start working on new year's resolutions? What like 10.45 months?
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 02-18-2011, 08:57 AM
15 years ago I stopped smoking; laid them down and never went back; broke every resolution there after until this year so far...
Originally Posted by runswithscissors

I did the same 28 years ago. I hope my lungs have somewhat healed up by now.

I delayed my New Year's resolution this year until a bit over a week ago. So far, I am holding on, but there are 11 more weeks to go.
So, what was your new years resolution, and how are you doing with it? I had 2. The first was to stop crunching ice. For years, 2 or 3 times a day, I'd stop at a convenience store, buy a large fountain diet coke filled with ice, drink the coke and chomp on the ice. My dentist tells me that's worse for your teeth than not brushing them. Haven't chomped on ice since 12/31/2010. Yea!!! The second was not to see Topshelf Tess this year, and see someone new. Blew that one today, but it damn sure was fun Originally Posted by ThrillBill88
Yes it was! Bill, you can drink beer in my bed anytime!!!
UH! I still want to drink beer in your bed!!!! Ok, your couch would do fine......
calisurfingman's Avatar
I have injuries from Iraq and have been on a lot of medications as well as surgeries these past few years. I gained about 40 pds in six months besides carrying over bad eating habits from my infantryman days where it was burger king 24/7. My New Years resolution was to lose weight, get back into shape and stay that way.

So far I have lost 31 pds which is a lot. I use to hate working out. I found my problem was that I was doing the WRONG exercises in that I was doing what I thought I needed to do, not what I WANTED to do. I now jog at my pace or fast walk/jog combo, not an army pace. I Kayak vs. doing push-ups. I do heavy punching bags and I swim. I bought a cook book and found I was, again, eating what I thought I was suppose to vs. what I wanted to eat.

I went back and had a hamburger a few days ago. I have gotten so use to eating healthy and 5 meals a day I instantly got sick on the hamburger. It tasted awful. Also, if I go more than one day without working I feel it and get jittery. I have to stay working out because its now imbedded so much in my system.

I also created a bucket list of things I want to do in life and in the city of Austin. Each week I make it a point to check one off. It feels good to have direction forward or a sense of accomplishment even if it is something small.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 02-24-2011, 09:09 AM
Fat loss resolution; 242 to 181, 3 weight classes! 15# down, ECA stack works pretty well, high positive energy and less appetite. Finding a pure ephedrine HCL source - no guaifenesin! - was incredibly helpful:

This is not particularly *fast* weight loss, but I'm not weak, cranky or hungry either.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
My resolution to myself was to quit being an easy target for those who would take advantage of my naturally helpful nature. So far, I've eliminated a good number of "users" from my life and made a few new friends who have been supportive and actually come through when I'm in need which is a nice change. I still feel isolated due to losing both of my vehicles in the past few months & being pregnant, but I have plenty to do at home. I'd just like a little company here as I get lonely which leads to depression.

Being the generally cheerful & optimistic person I am, that makes me mad at myself eventually for not doing something about exploring my interests. So, my new NY's resolution is to start setting goals much like calisurfingman to enjoy more of what Austin has to offer & pursue some long stagnant dreams like singing & interior design.

Here we go!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-02-2011, 02:38 PM
Another belt retired as too long this morning, and deadlifted 350 with no belt or caffeine or warmup first thing in the morning pretty casually; not a great lift, but a sign that at least most of the weight I'm losing isn't muscle. Max might be a hundred pounds more, but I don't have to work that hard to *keep* muscle. Weight's down about 20#....
1kewlkat's Avatar
My previous year's resolution was to continue my studies and I'm still on track, although it does kick my ass at times. The New Year's resolution is progressing along slowly, it's started out with yoga and easy running/bicycling in a mild diet alteration and other personal interest music, learning to dance and just setting my priorities straight-such as recently turning down a traveling job that I did for too many years and gave up way too much, a boring story...
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-07-2011, 06:41 AM
Fucking squats.

Had a great workout Saturday morning, squatted 325 for ten doubles, drank a gallon of milk or so over the weekend, and am five pounds heavier this morning than I was 48 hours ago. Argh.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-09-2011, 07:28 AM
On the other hand... bought a new belt yesterday. :-D
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I really didn't make any NY's resolutions. My goal is always to maintain the same level of physical conditioning each year despite being another year older, and not gain weight, hopefully even lose some. Supposedly the average male, after about the age of 40, loses 1-2% of his muscle mass each year.

My normal week consists of 2-3 weight workouts and 6 days of aerobic exercise, either on the bike or in a spin class , which I consider the most important part of my training regimen. So far, so good.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
On the other hand... bought a new belt yesterday. :-D Originally Posted by 78704
I hear you dude...most people simply don't understand what a big deal it is when you buy that new belt, 2 inches smaller than the last one. Hang in there.