Its the Holiday season

How many providers and hobbyist give gifts during the holiday season?
If your a hobbyist do you give some of your regulars a gift for christmas?
If your a provider do you give any of your clients a gift of some kind or free time as a christmas gift?
I know this can vary from person to person but was just wondering how many do or dont and what everyone feels about it !
DallasRain's Avatar
I usually get great thoughtful gifts...Victoria's Secret gift cards/liquor/funky socks etc

I try to give my special guys a small a cowboys & indian magazine or a GQ along with some hershey kisses & a coffee mug{etc}
I give an recieve. I have a few close hobby friends that I get gifts for. Otherwise there's a group of us that do secret santa and exchange gifts at a meet and greet.
Last Christmas I got a few very nice gifts. I also received a few giftcards & a few extra dollars added to my donation.

I gave 2 LTR's a gift also. I think it's a nice touch and it doesn't have to be anything fancy. It just shows you are grateful to them & that you care.
I give small tokens nothing that will raise any ideas...I have recieved flowers,egift cards.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Since most can't take home gifts I just wrap myself up and put a bow on it

shorty's Avatar
I do tend to get some ladies a gift and if they have a child, I tend to get them alittle something too.
ive randomly given my guys extra time, or a "special service" thats complety unexpected
just my way of saying thanks
I get awesome gifts my favorites are the candles and VS Cards.

I like to give my old friends small things like gift sets from the Gentleman Shaver or Starbucks gift cards. But I think the best gift I give are my pictures
Gave a provider flowers when it was her birthday,and have received cookies on occasion
burkalini's Avatar
I want my Christmas blow job!!!!!!!!
many years ago - (of course this is going to date me a little, but not too much)

One of my clients heard me say that one of my kids was just begging me to get him an ipod shuffle for Christmas. I believe they had already been out for a year, but he came to see me just for lunch one day, and pulls out of the bag....

I started crying.

Knowing that he heard me mention that...

Knowing that he realized I was struggling enough that I wasn't going to be able to spend that much on any of my kids that Christmas...

That kind of stuff means so much more to me than a card or a candle or any other thoughtful thing anyone can do for me.

My kids are my world.

He had a couple of other thoughtful things for me to help my kids have a brighter Christmas. They were very small then, so it really did mean the world to me.

Quite a special man.

Cool story TnT ..its things like that in life that put a smile on your face..sometimes its the little things people do !!