The line has been crossed

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
For those of you not paying attention (yes, I'm talking about you WTF) this is the United States of America and we have a Constitution that enumerates our rights. It does not grant them because according to the founders our rights come from nature or God, your choice. That piece of parchment just goes the extra length to define what they are because some of the founder didn't trust government to keep a promise (smart founders indeed). One right that is inheritant is the right to bitch, moan, complain, and otherwise sometimes make a fool of themselves (yes, you Assup). Sometimes according to the courts this right can be taken too far and now it has. Maxine Waters, village idiot, corruptocrat, and US representative, has been calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump. So far so good. She is free to look like an idiot and to ignore the lawful election of a president. She is free to oppose the will of the states, the Constitution, and reality. However, she has now come out against Mike Pence which I take as an act of insurrction and treason. The first is a personal thing, she doesn't like Trump. Okay, but now she is talking about over turning the results of an election and the votes of millions of citizens. She has also come out in support of illegal activities. Namely the leaking of vital, confidencial phone calls which jeopardize national security. On the View Maxine said she welcomed more leaks. Leaks that are not just hurting Trump the man but leaks that are hurting the presidency going forward.

Maxine Waters is a traitor to this country and I'm sure that some here will stand up for her treason and rush to join her cause. Just remembet the fate of traitors in the end.

This is an evil, stupid woman.
Unfortunately that old worn out hooktard, Westboro Baptist Church and a plethora of other fucktards are all protected under the first amendment, regardless of what they are promoting.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-05-2017, 10:47 AM
We need a strong National Secrets Act, that is then strongly enforced.

That would hopefully slam ALL people who leak classified materiel.

The problem is we will never get a strong law like that because there would be lots of Wackos on both fringes who think it is perfectly justified to leak secrets that discredit their opponents.

There are pleanty of people who are livid about MW's comment who applauded leaks in tbe Obama years. Pleanty on this board I would guess.
We already have the laws, amigo. Its the enforcement that's an issue, its a good 'ol boy policy. Runs from the local level all the way up.
LexusLover's Avatar
We already have the laws, amigo. Its the enforcement that's an issue, its a good 'ol boy policy. Runs from the local level all the way up. Originally Posted by texmwm
I agree. I was thoroughly briefed on Title 50 ... long ago.

And at a minimum just ask Martha Stewart .. all she did was lie.

Comey damaged the integrity of your "security" in this country by pretending that certain crimes against the country could not be prosecuted without direct evidence of intent to injure the country. He was wrong on the law, and it has been brought to his attention numerous times since he made that dumbass remark.
Our views on Comey are similar, he certainly stepped on his dick a number of times. To me, his biggest and most overlooked error is the one you mentioned, making determinations and public statements about what could, would or should be prosecuted. That simply does not fall under the Directer of the FBI's job description. Mainstream media should have been all over that like a bitch on a bone.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-05-2017, 12:26 PM
True. But that is the instant-media-sound-bite world we are in now. If key people don't blurt out something--coherent or not--every 30 seconds then the talking heads complain they are being denied access.

That is part of what is better about the Brits with security leaks/legal proceedings. They do a far better job of news blackout until it is over than we do. Many things that should be prosecuted in the US dealing with sloppy/criminal protection of classified do not get prosecuted out of fear that the defense will essentially blackmail the gov't. Claiming that very sensitive material needs to be part of the trial otherwise their client cannot get a fair trial--and they (the gov't) are unwilling to cause more spillage by doing this.

There are ways around that, but they are long, laborious, and often at the whim/judgement of judges--and the judges are too often clueless about the actual need to protect certain information. Again, in this area the Brits do a better job of keeping things secure. Better, certainly not perfect.
bambino's Avatar
Waters represents the poorest district in Cali but lives in a 4.5 million dollar shack outside her district. SnitchFuck probably built it!
LexusLover's Avatar

That is part of what is better about the Brits with security leaks/legal proceedings. They do a far better job of news blackout until it is over than we do. M
Originally Posted by Old-T
They don't have an inviolate "right" to "freedom of the press" do they?

That "right" in this country has been morphed into some distorted, fucked up perspective that the individual's "privilege" and "status" of reporting outweighs the security of the other 300 million in this country (give or take 100,000).

Someone seems to be yelling "fire" in the theater daily.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-05-2017, 02:54 PM
They don't have an inviolate "right" to "freedom of the press" do they?

That "right" in this country has been morphed into some distorted, fucked up perspective that the individual's "privilege" and "status" of reporting outweighs the security of the other 300 million in this country (give or take 100,000).

Someone seems to be yelling "fire" in the theater daily. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree with you on this one, but the press--right & left--wants access, whether it is good for the country or not. A very different situation that WW-II and much of the cold war period. I do not think different means better in this case.
We need a strong National Secrets Act, that is then strongly enforced.

That would hopefully slam ALL people who leak classified materiel.

The problem is we will never get a strong law like that because there would be lots of Wackos on both fringes who think it is perfectly justified to leak secrets that discredit their opponents.

There are pleanty of people who are livid about MW's comment who applauded leaks in tbe Obama years. Pleanty on this board I would guess.
Originally Posted by Old-T

how corrupt it is here or the polution is extremely bad and drainage too become a health issue?
I agree. I was thoroughly briefed on Title 50 ... long ago.

And at a minimum just ask Martha Stewart .. all she did was lie.

Comey damaged the integrity of your "security" in this country by pretending that certain crimes against the country could not be prosecuted without direct evidence of intent to injure the country. He was wrong on the law, and it has been brought to his attention numerous times since he made that dumbass remark. Originally Posted by LexusLover

not as corrupt as this place, where money beening launder into domestic terrorism to cover-up polution
We need a strong National Secrets Act, that is then strongly enforced.

That would hopefully slam ALL people who leak classified materiel.

The problem is we will never get a strong law like that because there would be lots of Wackos on both fringes who think it is perfectly justified to leak secrets that discredit their opponents.

There are pleanty of people who are livid about MW's comment who applauded leaks in tbe Obama years. Pleanty on this board I would guess.
Originally Posted by Old-T
We already have the laws, amigo. Its the enforcement that's an issue, its a good 'ol boy policy. Runs from the local level all the way up. Originally Posted by texmwm
Exactly Texmwm. WE have PLENTY of laws already on the books covering leaking and many other things.. What we lack is actual people with the balls to enforce them.
Exactly Texmwm. WE have PLENTY of laws already on the books covering leaking and many other things.. What we lack is actual people with the balls to enforce them. Originally Posted by garhkal

why to cover-up the people known as MAMA TRASH CON WO/MAN / REACH AROUND ...
btw are you part of MAMA TRASH