Three Finger Verification

Has anyone ever been asked to provide a pic of yourself and holding up 3 fingers?
I’ve had it in the past with a LC provider and I wasn’t comfortable with it so passed which pissed her off. WTF?
Now I was just asked the same thing from a verified Eros provider.
I’ve been out of the hobby for a minute and wanted to see if I’m missing something here.
My guess is they want to know what you look like and they want to make sure its really a photo of you.
ahab11's Avatar
I hooked up last week with a girl who required a picture so I complied as she is a OH2 Newbie.

She was eager to learn allot about the hobby world and I told her of better ways to screen than the picture game.

She did show me a few pictures on her phone and most were dick pics which was funny and a few were of some of the oldest ugliest guys I have ever seen in my life.

She said she was trying to avoid having images of those ugly old farts burned into her memory.

So yeah avoid sending the picture unless you want another board member knowing how butt ugly you are.

She said she did see one old guy and it was the easiest 300 she ever made as he just laid naked next to her and talked about how gorgeous she was for 60 minutes and never got hard while she stroked him non stop.
When I have been a little unsure of a lady, and asked for a 3 finger pic or of her touching her nose or something that verifies she is real and likely doesn’t keep a stick photo, I don’t think that’s unreasonable. But they sure do, at least the vast majority of the time. I don’t mind sending same to lead the way, but most go crazy. I just want to know it’s you and see if a current pics looks anything like what you publish.

One sent it back and I was grateful because she actually looked nothing like what she posted. So I assume if they post pictures in ads but won’t honor this simple easy request, they are hiding something.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I wonder how this guy would deal with Hobby Verification in 2021? What if his potential Provider asked him to hold up FOUR fingers of his right hand?

If I'm asked to hold up fingers, I hold up two, and tell her these are the fingers I want to use for one in the Pink, one in the Stink
pmdelites's Avatar
if you send a photo to anyone, you have just lost ALL control over it, unless you can rig it w/ old school Mission Impossible self-destruct technology.

so, either dont send one or find a photo on the internet to send her.
or do a quick visual/video call w/ her (quick so she doesnt have time to grab a screenshot).