
Pangolier's Avatar
I'm still perplexed every time I see a SW who post "fully vaccinated" If that's the same person who insist her partners use condoms when he brings a copy of recent STD results, because "he could be lying." Why would anyone think "Gee, that little vaccination card couldn't possibly be fabricated" It's not like people are going to find a way to forge those things to gain entry through ports to other countries, states, cities, or provinces that are requiring cards or test results. Oh no... not like anyone ever created a fake ID before. Not really getting the mind set of someone who is suspicious of others, yet expects those same people to trust her without hesitation.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm perplexed that anyone would be so anti-Vaxxing, that they would go through the effort to forge a card (which, by the way, isn't as easy as the Anti-Vaxxers claim.. That is one more bullshit excuse to avoid getting the shot(s)).

I tend to believe those who say they are fully vaccinated. Those who are not, are PROUD they are not, and will not hesitate to let you know they aren't, and that you are falling for the big scam.
Grace Preston's Avatar
What Chung said.

Anti-Vaxx folks are like Vegans or Cross-Fit people... everyone else in the room is going to know that they are.
ManSlut's Avatar
Shit, I’m just looking for the Real Gal who says or writes, “I love White Guys” and maybe likes us 10%!!!