Looking to start a DC area BYOB/Potluck style Lifestyle club, anyone interested?

Looking for all races, men and women.

Identities will be kept a secret. Nobody will ever have to know what you do with the club. It is 100% to discuss personal fantasies with someone willing to listen without judgement, then agree to figure out how to make it happen.

No obligations

No prices. There will be no paying for sexual acts.

Women, if you've ever had a secret fantasy, contact me and we will discuss privately. I will not judge. Only try to help make it happen by facilitating the safe environment. Will be 100% legal, nothing suspicious going on. We will only be new secret friends.

Men, likewise. Any fantasy or willingness to participate, contact me and we will discuss the details.

The process for both men and women will involve an initial contact/interview to determine who will fit the group.

There will be ONE thing that I will need from all participants. After contact, I will ask that you get tested and provide your results. This way, everyone that will be involved will know that everyone else is also tested. I will not share the results with anyone else involved. This is for everyone's peace of mind and will not be negotiable. It is a must.
It is also a must that we practice safety.

One more big must. Please no cheaters.
Again, NO cheaters.
If you are involved in a relationship, open up with your other about your desire or interest in the group. If you are in a relationship, we will want to know that your other is okay. We don't want anyone's other crashing the get together with drama.

Again, your identity will be left a secret. You will not go by your real name, EVER. Nor will you know anyone else's.

Main rule here is "No means No." Nobody is obligated to do ANYTHING that they do not want to do. Some people only want to discuss their thoughts. Some only want to watch. And some want to experience. Do not EXPECT anyone else to be a part of the club for the same reasons as you.

If you are interested, please contact me via private message.