How many of us are left from ASPD?

Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Ladies and gentlemen. Just curious as I see less activity from folks from the good old days.
scoobie's Avatar
Im circa 2002 aspd
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
I was 2003 I think
Sleepy363's Avatar
Started on there in 2001.
Adonis's Avatar
The phpbb or whatever it was, bulletin board before ASPD, ASPD and now here.
wolfking1212's Avatar
I was on ASPD for about a year before it went away.
Bluesplyr's Avatar
Present. Dont know my exact join date, but 2003 maybe.
I loved aspd. I was on there.
Super Sonic's Avatar
I found ASPD in 2006. I think a lot of the old guard is still here, but under different handles.
TinMan's Avatar
Or else just have less to say, as it all has pretty much been said before. Repeatedly.
Hercules's Avatar
The loooong retire Lauren Wakefield got me on ASPD. Since my memory is about as long as my dick I have no clue how far back that was. Mid 90's I think....
2007 first provider, TheOriginalDannie, Lucky Jack Aubery Indeed
Batman's Avatar
2000 for me, where I first "met" Tara. Sweetie, why is it only I've aged and you just look better?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Was there for 3 years, posting about as frequently as I do here under the same pseudonym, received notice that they were going down, joined ECCIE the day ASPD disappeared into the mists.
I was around on ASPD. I don't remember if I ever actually posted there, but my handle was the same as here...

Ah, the good old days...