Afraid to Repeat?

darkchoc6's Avatar
After reading Goddess Dallas' post about relationships in the hobby, I started thinking about repeat visits with providers. As a rule, I usually don't do repeats. This is not to say that I have never done it but it is extremely rare. I have an ATF that I have seen several times but I try to spread it out over a long time period just so it stays fresh for the both of us (Gives us a chance to miss each other).

The afraid to repeat part comes into play here. There is a provider that I saw once as part of a doubles appointment. She totally captivated me. I think we hit it off very well. We had a follow up appointment for just the 2 of us set for a week later but something came up for me. I really want to see her again but am afraid that I will be hooked.

The question is have any of you ever purposely stayed away from a repeat appointment with a provider you enjoyed and if so why? For the ladies, has there ever been a client you wanted to see again but was afraid you may develop feelings for him (Feelings can include lust, possible relationship, or any other good feelings)?
  • hd
  • 03-19-2012, 10:13 AM
I might develope a puppy love syndrome, but never anything deeper than that, especially to a point that I would ever leave my SO for another. I've seen a few maybe 3 times at the most but that's b/c I liked the sex and companionship, call it lust.

Some of the ladies I've seen I like very much but more in capacity of "wish we could be friends", I enjoy their company, sex or not, and other than my SO, I have little personal contact with the opposite sex, work or play, especially with gorgeous women like we have here.
I have seen very few providers on a repeat basis, not because if I repeat seeing them I will fall in love or want more that a provider-hobbyist relationship, but because the provider is very good BCD and I want some more of it. I do not get nor will I ever get personally involved with a provider when I hobby, nor will I get personally involved with a lady I met through hobbying.
I love repeats. I find its better each time when I see the same provider 5 or 6 times. One I saw 25-30 times. however, even if we really like each other and maybe even hang out from time to time. I always remind myself on the way home and before I see her again its still a relationship based at least in part on money. There has only one provider I developed deep feelings for and that was only after she asked for us to go personal and drop the provider part.
Might be easier for you single guys to get attached to a Provider than the married guys who have a decent relationship with their wives but the sex isn't happening anymore between you. (At least the way you want it to).

It's a lot easier (and less expensive) to walk away from a Provider than your wife.
But some guys do it anyway.

Go see her, DarkChoc6. The sex is hotter when you actually care about her.
There are many more Providers on my "Once is Enough" list than the "See Again" list. The list entitled "Would Never See" dwarfs both. I can count the Providers with whom I felt comfortable on one hand. I'd see each of them again. I can't picture a scenario where one would rise to the top and become the "Sole Provider" I see. I might as well get a SB if that were the case and I'm NOT going to do that!
Blubba's Avatar
+1 "Sole Provider" sounds like "Marriage" to someone who is fucking a lot of other dudes. No thanks.
For the ladies, has there ever been a client you wanted to see again but was afraid you may develop feelings for him (Feelings can include lust, possible relationship, or any other good feelings)?

YES! Unfortunately it's not a perfect world...and he is married.
If only we had met under different circumstances, and at another place in time...
...It would've been GLORIOUS!

Since being a "home wrecker" isn't in my DNA , we've just decided to remain good friends...and give each other that time to miss each other.

BTW, I'm missing him just writing this!!!
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I have gotten attached (or had a favorite) client before. I recently felt a lot of chemistry with someone (won't say who) and sure wish he would call again. Don't know exactly what it was that endeared me to him, something intangible I guess!

I don't let myself get emotionally involved with any client though. Having the attitude of really good friends with benefits is the best!
tsrv4me's Avatar
Would love to hear from providers on whom they would like return visits with .If a provider would really enjoy seeing me again I would love for her to send me a PM or E-mail telling me so ..........sure makes it easy the next time .....and it is nice to know you are appreciated and wanted again ......T
Citori's Avatar
I've purposely tried to locate a provider I've seen once, but have no contact details. We meet at a club, had the best provider/hobbiest time I've ever had and did not get her number. I still think about her...

As for repeats when I visit Dallas, there are so many to choose from, I'd have a hard time limiting myself. Others smaller towns have p411 counts of around 20-30.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Would love to hear from providers on whom they would like return visits with .If a provider would really enjoy seeing me again I would love for her to send me a PM or E-mail telling me so ..........sure makes it easy the next time .....and it is nice to know you are appreciated and wanted again ......T Originally Posted by tsrv4me
I'm afraid to say anything to this one! I don't want any client to think I may be a stalker or something like that. I just really enjoy him sexually! He is very special.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 03-19-2012, 09:48 PM
Would love to hear from providers on whom they would like return visits with .If a provider would really enjoy seeing me again I would love for her to send me a PM or E-mail telling me so ..........sure makes it easy the next time .....and it is nice to know you are appreciated and wanted again ......T Originally Posted by tsrv4me
There have been ladies around, that use this as a standard marketing technique.

It can mean she wants to see you again, or it could mean "Momma wants a new pair of shoes". It can be difficult to distinguish between the two!
jrewing's Avatar
Fuck and move on, JR
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I rarely repeat just because I prefer variety and I don't rack up the numbers some of you guys do, so that's easy for me.

But, there was one lady where a 1 hour session became a 5 hour night out and I was frank with her that there was too much of a connection to see her in the hobby. We actually ended up dating. We're still friends today.