Message to a Hater

KittyLamour's Avatar
I personally have had all I can stand of AT6texan. He has misrepresented me and dogged me all over this board making false accusations about me. He claims to have met me, yet out of 28 reviews, not a one of them is on me. I think he has me mistaken. The lies he has stated about me have not only hurt my feelings immensely, they have caused many would'be clients to not come to see me. I am sick and tired of it. I am publicly declaring a challenge to this hater. Come to my door one time...or I will be happy to meet you anywhere you so choose. Afterwards I want a public apology on this board for all the horrible and hateful atrocities you have perpetuated against me. If you are unable to meet my challenge I invite you to henceforth Shut The Fuck Up. Personally I think he has a hidden agenda to ruin my reputation. I admit, it is impossible to get along with everybody but the majority of my reviews are very positive. So, there you go AT6texan...let's see what kind of a man you are.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Btw LOVE your avatar
KittyLamour's Avatar
Thank you Jules!
Jules can I have some popcorn.
guest061212's Avatar
I have never been in to domination, but I think I would like Mercianna to kick my a$$. J/K. I do like your firery passion tho.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Jules, can I have some also? This ought to be interesting. LOL
Thank you Mark, I would only kick it in the nicest of ways possible...I assure you!
I personally have had all I can stand of AT6texan. He has misrepresented me and dogged me all over this board making false accusations about me. He claims to have met me, yet out of 28 reviews, not a one of them is on me. I think he has me mistaken. The lies he has stated about me have not only hurt my feelings immensely, they have caused many would'be clients to not come to see me. I am sick and tired of it. I am publicly declaring a challenge to this hater. Come to my door one time...or I will be happy to meet you anywhere you so choose. Afterwards I want a public apology on this board for all the horrible and hateful atrocities you have perpetuated against me. If you are unable to meet my challenge I invite you to henceforth Shut The Fuck Up. Personally I think he has a hidden agenda to ruin my reputation. I admit, it is impossible to get along with everybody but the majority of my reviews are very positive. So, there you go AT6texan...let's see what kind of a man you are. Originally Posted by mercianna
Lots of Drama there for sure, I just believe in honesty. Have a great night!
TomKat's Avatar
Btw LOVE your avatar Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

I'm starting to take a real liking to Jules. She always has something nice or positive to say no matter the topic.

Okay back on topic...It doesn't look like he has any plans on taking you up on your offer. Could you be right, or is he just scared you'll give him a whoopin'?
This thread is an incredibly good idea because feeding trolls is always full of win. Additionally, his manhood will be sufficiently challenged by this thread and he will of course concede to your demands. Oh wait, shit, I forgot I live in reality.

Just "ignore" him. If you ignore him long enough, he'll get bored and move on. If everyone just ignores him, he'll get bored and get a new handle.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Obviously he didn't "man up" to the challenge. I'm disappointed. I really wanted to prove him wrong. Darn.
Guest091314's Avatar
there is always someone not liking someone else.
If it is not happening then there is something wrong with the world....or at least this site.
pmdelites's Avatar
well, there is a different between a) not liking someone and b) posting accusations about someone and not presenting whatever evidence you believe will support those accusations.

and, in my opinion, when challenged to physically prove their point and coming back w/ a very weak comeback doesnt do anything to support the original accusations.
and, in my opinion, responding w/ the man up argument doesnt do anything but muddy the waters. [an aside - do any of you guys ever tell your buds to "man up"?? i've only ever heard it from women. interesting.....]

tho, there are other alternatives.
mercianna, you could arrange to me several people at a place of your mutual agreement.
and then have them "witness" about you.

or, like johnny said, just ignore him, dont let him get to you, and move on.

i saw a great bumper sticker today.


sounds similar to
.. what Yoda said about the dark side in the 2nd star wars [episode 5?]
.. "know your friends and know your enemies even more."
.. "make love not war".
.. and "love your enemies to death"

peace be with you all!
KittyLamour's Avatar
Pmdelites...giver of sage advice!
This, my dear friend has been going on with this character for more months than I care to count. He has even bumped a review written by a super mod with over 65 reviews to call him a liar. Accuses me of self reviews even came up with the grand idea that I am actually a "mother-daughter" team, even if it were true, I wouldn't let him get away with insulting my mother the way he has insulted me. (I've been told by a friend re: the last statements, btw) He's written 28 reviews, claims to have had a horrid session with me, yet while he can voice his opinion of me all over the board...failed to write a review. I don't recall the displeasure of his company and if he is convinced in what he believes he saw...then he must have me confused with someone else. There is no way that I am the things he has stated about me over and over again. And this bumping every thread where my name comes up injecting his poison has got to stop. Now...what's the harm in meeting me face to face? Hell, take my it online as proof! It will only prove him wrong! I am who I claim to be not a day older or younger. My pictures are legitimate representations of how I look. Life is stressful enough without someone lying on me. I've simply had enough and call it "manning up" or whatever...I am simply calling Bull Shit in this instance. I only hope that insulting his manly pride will make him think twice about attacking me in a public forum again. I wasn't raised to be a door mat. I don't hate him, in fact, if he has me mistaken with someone else...I will accept his apology, but I do expect it to be a public apology on this board. Maybe it will reverse a bit of the damage he has caused me which has been immense and on many levels. From here on out...every time he posts a negative comment about me and everytime I am told he has posted a negative comment about me, I will reiterate this challenge. In so doing I hope to end his charade. I hope I don't look like a nutcase...but dammit? When is enough enough??? Sick and tired of being misrepresented by him. End of story.
You do have a great idea there pmdelites, I would gladly arrange to meet several people and have them come back and state their honest opinion of me. I honestly have nothing to hide and know for a fact that I am an attractive person and not by any means deceptive. I admit that I have had times and sessions where our personalities clashed and hence have gotten an understandable no review. In this instance, he has not written a review but has a very vocal opinion of me nonetheless. I will gladly meet anyone and welcome the opportunity to clear my name from the garbage resulting from this person's multitude of comments. Let's Do It!
Exactly what posts by AT6Texan are you referring to? Which forum are they in?
KittyLamour's Avatar
Just click search and enter his handle where it states to find all posts by user. There you will find all of them. I do not have access to all of his posts. Some of them I have been told about by friends with premium access who felt I deserved to know what was being said about me. Although you will be able to see them all. It is obvious that he has had a personal vendetta against me yet I doubt he has even met me or most likely has me confused with someone else. It's the button next to Log Out. They are not in one particular forum but are all over Eccie.