Lost my Premium Access...should have plenty of time left...

Parsifal's Avatar
Can a mod check my account? I've lost PMA and should have tons of time left...PM me with update, etc...
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-31-2016, 08:01 PM
I've asked the admins to check into it.

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-01-2017, 11:22 PM
The admins have checked your history and the system is correct... your PA credit expired on 12/29. Either write a review or pay for continued Premium Access.

Parsifal's Avatar
I'm confused...its my understanding that you get 90 days of PMA for each review that's accepted by the mods.

I have 50 reviews, which translates to 4500 days of PMA...

My join date was Spring 2010 - technically, my PMA shouldn't expire until 2022, unless I'm completely wrong about how PMA credit is extended for reviews.

Can you better explain this to me? It was my impression that each 90 day credit was not concurrent with other reviews posted in that time...if that's not the case, l'll stand corrected, but I'm pretty sure another mod explained it to me that way several years ago.

In any event, thanks for looking into it for me...
Parsifal's Avatar
Appreciated...I had doubled the PA time in my mind, evidently.