Twitter Hookers BEWARE!

Congress investigating prostitution. The most ironic thing ever.
mike1701's Avatar
It's an election year.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Anyone--provider or hobbyist--who uses social networking as an adjunct to the hobby is a damn fool who is asking for trouble. I said that a couple years ago, and I'll keep saying it.

(start viewing at 2:30 or so)
'"Low profile." Do you know what the words "low profile" mean?'


  • HOSS_
  • 02-05-2014, 09:13 AM
"Twitter has more than 1,000 escorts -- some of whom double as prostitutes"

"Escorts / Prostitutes" Isn't that an oxymoron?

Congress investigating prostitution. The most ironic thing ever. Originally Posted by Submodo
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Anybody advertising on FB, IG or Twitter is an idiot!