motivation provided by a provider?

My SO and I barely see each other naked anymore, let alone anything else. Kinda why I'm in the hobby. Well, I've let myself get out of shape the last few years...really hasn't been much motivation to keep in shape. So I found myself climbing into bed with this hot, in shape, firm provider a couple of months ago, and I was looking at our naked bodies next to each other and felt somewhat guilty for not keeping in shape. That moment provided me the motivation to start working out again, and I've dropped 25 lbs since.
My question: has being with a provider motivated you in a way that your SO hasn't?
Yeh. I 65 years old, and have stayed in pretty good shape. Seeing my ATF on a regular basis definetally inspires me to stay that way, even if the stack of $100 is all she needs to tolerate my old ass.
Satyrrical's Avatar
Back when the strip clubs in Memphis didn't suck ass, I put myself on an exercise diet program. My motivation was to allow myself a "special" dance from my favorite gal at the Platinum for every five pounds. Lost 30 pounds in a couple months.
burkalini's Avatar
I'm almost 60 and have been 220 to 235 for the last thirty years. I run four times a week and it keeps me in shape. It also helps me fuck without the blue pill. A young good lookning lady is always motivation. lol
Cpalmson's Avatar
I've always stayed in shape-- even prior to hobbying. For me, it is about discipline and self-preservation On more than one occasion, I've had girls ask me why someone in shape like me was seeing a provider. I also believe that because I'm in shape and "healthy" that it has opened a few doors for extras that an out shape client would not get. So on some level, being in shape and attractive to the lady has to help on some level.
happybanana's Avatar
Wow... I certainly understand the OP's vew... let myself go after teh SO said we were not having sex anymore due to her issues... I recently joined a club to begin the project of loosing 25-30 lbs... the lack of touch and time together is what both motivated me to "get back in shap" and to seek affection from our increadible providers...

Outdoorsman's Avatar
Providers do not motivate me to get in shape they are only there for the cash. They have no interest in me either way. What does motivate me is having an SO and having the most beautiful SO on the planet, I do want to please her and look good for her. I have lost about 20 lbs but I need to bulk some, put some muscles back on me. She is worth it.
KittyLamour's Avatar

p.s. Happy you found the Love of Your Life...but, guess what...not all providers are cold hearted, money hungry, gold diggers... Some of us actually care. I have several "clients" who matter a great deal to me and my life would be less without them in it.

"GOOD FOR YOU!" that you found motivation to improve your life... That is awesome... we all could hope to be so lucky as to find similar motivation in each of our own lives because nobody is perfect.
I'm motivated to not have a heart attack or a stroke.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I do not mean to imply all hookers are cold hearted. No, not in the least, in fact I believe some providers are wonderful people. But the reality is, a professional is going to be w me whether I am a hunk or a fat slob. After time together we may become friends, we may even fall in love w each other, imagine that.

Escorts get paid to be w hobbyiests, and they prypvide a fantasy, mine is not humiliation and well I never had a provider ask me to shape up or lose weight. My SO, the love of my life, did ask me to lose the facial hair though, lol.

Reality is without the cash, my provider friends are not going to be w me, that simple. I do not work for free either. I agree I am glad the OP found his motivation and to each their own, I say.
KittyLamour's Avatar
That was an excellent, constructive and very well spoken response Outdoorsman, sir.
I must say in response to the OP's motivation query... The Hobbyists I meet and will meet in the future certainly do motivate that I think about it...the whole hobby motivates me, I try to look my best every staying in shape, fresh, hair perfect, make up, I try to dress up for each client ... lingerie, accessories & jewelry, heels, make sure my teeth are brushed, my incall is tidy...nothing thrills me more than to see a man's face light up when I open the door ... of course, reviews also are a great motivation in holding me accountable in every aspect. ...if I don't care about myself and appreciate my self can I expect anyone else to value me?

"Think highly of yourself...because the world takes you at your own estimate"
I would love to look better and be in better shape and yes seeing a beautiful woman does inspire a lot of us to try - But thats why i got into this hobby to begin with - Where else can i get a sure thing at the age of 50 or older with a young hot lady with a 20 or 30 yr old body.
Money talks and BS walks as the old saying goes...
and what i cant make up with a perfect body i do make up with treating a lady right and trying to please her as much as she pleases me .
That and respect, humor, good attitude , and a gift from time to time goes a long way - like a provider told me once she would rather have a older guy who is slightly out of shape than a good looking guy who thinks he should get it for free because he looks the way he does.
We are not here looking for perfection and love - we are just looking for a fantasy and a friend.
"GOOD FOR YOU!" that you found motivation to improve your life... That is awesome... we all could hope to be so lucky as to find similar motivation in each of our own lives because nobody is perfect. Originally Posted by mercianna
Thank you. Your're right, I'm happy to take my motivation wherever I can find it.

I must say in response to the OP's motivation query... The Hobbyists I meet and will meet in the future certainly do motivate that I think about it...the whole hobby motivates me, I try to look my best every staying in shape, fresh, hair perfect, make up, I try to dress up for each client ... lingerie, accessories & jewelry, heels, make sure my teeth are brushed, my incall is tidy...nothing thrills me more than to see a man's face light up when I open the door ... of course, reviews also are a great motivation in holding me accountable in every aspect. ...if I don't care about myself and appreciate my self can I expect anyone else to value me?

"Think highly of yourself...because the world takes you at your own estimate" Originally Posted by mercianna
....and good for you too! I't nice to see you can find the hobby motivating as well. I gotta admit, my face lit up just reading about your preparation. whew!!!
Providers do not motivate me to get in shape they are only there for the cash. They have no interest in me either way. What does motivate me is having an SO and having the most beautiful SO on the planet, I do want to please her and look good for her. I have lost about 20 lbs but I need to bulk some, put some muscles back on me. She is worth it. Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
I understand that. my wife and I have been married for 31 yrs, and we still have a good loving relationship. the lack of sex the last couple of yrs created a little tension, but that disappeared when I began hobblying. my sole motivation was not just the provider. I'm doing this for myself, my wife and my family. I'm just saying the this young lady provided the spark for me to to say "hey, big boy, you're slacking. let's get going"