In general... cam customers aren't often going to convert.. and hobbyists generally don't pay for cam. That's why most of us who DO cam, don't advertise it here. Most of us don't need to add to the freeloader count, waiting to see something for nothing.
Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I'm sure this is right. When I was a wee little hobbyist my first provider, whom I had seen a number of times, told me, "Listen, don't call me just to listen to my voice while you get yourself off (this was pre-web). You know the drill: call for an appointment, say 'looking forward to seeing you,' then hang up. Then show up, put out, pay up and get out." I expect today these ladies still have myriad thrill-seekers who never will follow through, instead they're just looking for that contact. Time wasters, or free-loaders, as Grace says.
As for me, would I pay for cam? Yes, oh yes. But only after enough sessions to be able to visualize it for myself.
Good post and good convo.